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Cherry Berry

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
I really wish there was something eBay could do to stop people that gouge on shipping.  My son is currently obsessed with Curious George.  I can't find Curious George clothing.  So I looked on eBay, found a couple of things from the same buyer, and he won't combine shipping charges.  He is charging $25 shipping for two toddler sized  t-shirts and a pair of shorts.    Yeah, gonna pass on that one.Anyone know where I can find Curious George stuff?  Especially shoes?  DS became obsessed *after* Target had all that Curious George stuff for $1. 
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Cherry Jubilee

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
I know target carried CG shoes...but that was last fall...maybe check there??

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Bowl Full of Cherries

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
It's been a long time since I've bought anything on Ebay, but I thought you could report people like that.  That is INSANE that anyone would charge that much and even more insane if anyone were to pay it! 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
Just did a Google search on "Curious George" clothing toddler, and this is one of the things that came up: ... IgodBT49Ww ETA:  They are kinda pricey, at least in my book.  Have you checked the fabric stores and/or Walmart or even Hobby Lobby for CG fabric?  I remember when my DS was obsessed with Pooh stuff when he was a toddler.  I went to several stores and picked up fabric.  I kinda cut around what I wanted and then ironed on some fabric adhesive (heck, my mind's gone blank on what I want to say!  LOL), then cut it out and ironed it onto a T-shirt that I'd washed without fabric softener.  I "sealed" it with some clear fabric paint around all the edges.  I made several of those shirts, and I even made him several Pooh pillows.  He loved them, and it cost me very little. 
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A Cherry on Top

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
Talk to Amy! She's probably got every Curious George site known to man bookmarked already! She may be able to find something cheaper for ya!!
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Cherry Berry

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
Thanks for the link Lizzie!  Yeah, they're pricey.  I'm in the market for "I won't cry when he rolls in the mud" clothes.    BUT, they have the yellow hat!  He would flip over that hat.  I might pick that up for him for Easter. 
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Cherry Addict

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
sorry hon! I had the same problem with Scooby stuff. Right AFTER Toys R Us clearanced everything is when Cole started liking Scooby!Hope you find something!!
SUS ImageImageImage
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A Cherry on Top

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
What size does he wear??
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Cherry Berry

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
He's a 3-4T.  Tops he needs a 4, but pants are long in that size.  Shoes are an 8-ish.  I normally don't shop Wal-Mart, so I probably should stop in there.I used to have a bunch of Scooby stuff (my oldest went through a Scooby stage) but Scoobies went buh-bye after the last decluttering session I had. 
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A Cherry on Top

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
I'll keep an eye on freecycle and craigslist here for ya :)
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Cherry Berry

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
You're so sweet!  Thanks!I think I'm also going to try garage sales this year for the first time in a long time.  The heathen is finally starting to get over his hatred of car trips.  It's been 3 years of "Do I really need to go there with this child?!?" 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
They are price gouging on shipping because they do not have to pay a percentage of the shipping costs to eBay.  They only pay a percentage of the final auction price.  So basically they are cheating eBay.
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Cherry Cola

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
I don't know about the boys section but they did have some Curious George at Walmart in the girls section.So you might try there.
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Cherry Cola

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
did a search for curious george on amazon ... %3Aapparel
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Sweet Cherry Pie

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
Found a pair of shoes on Ebay...not a bad price for them or shipping. ... ewItemHere is an outfit shipping is $7.00 on this outfit is $5.99
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
I'd turn the scumbag in to eBay!!! That is EXACTLY why I stopped going there.
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A Cherry on Top

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
I hate sellers who charge like crazy for shipping. I found one small stamp I wanted on ebay, couldn't find it anywhere else, but refused to buy it because he wanted so much for shipping.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
I thnk I have seen  boy pjs at WalMart.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
It is ridiculous what some of the sellers are charging for shipping, I'll pass as well.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Cherry Tart

And That's Why I've Stopped Buying Things on Ebay...
I want the Karen Foster Wanted paper.  Found one on ebay and they want to charge me $3.95 for a 65cent piece of paper.  I will keep looking.
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