Would you rather:1. Forget everyone else’s name all the timeor2. have everyone forget your name all the time?
{hopelessly addicted}
Filling my basket with all of the new goodies

{hopelessly addicted}
Filling my basket with all of the new goodies

well since I forget peoples names all the time anyways might as well stick with what I do best lol.Hugs

Jennifer Mom of Four Boys
1... i could come up with SOMEthing to help me with that
Gee both happen to me all of the time. I am constantly called Ms. Powers by my students and I fequently forget peoples names.I figure 2 is better because then you can pick and choose who you reply to.Laura
Ha ha - Pam, I sometimes forget my age!
{hopelessly addicted}
Filling my basket with all of the new goodies

{hopelessly addicted}
Filling my basket with all of the new goodies