and you guys ROCKED!
I want to thank Angela, Tania, Egle, Amanda, Kathy and Sara...because they volunteered to be here today to hostess. We couldn't have done it without THEM. I also want to say thanks to Kristin, who indulged me when I asked to do this!I also want to thank all of you...because we at ACOT know that you are the ones that make this place ROCK!Please stay and play! Finish the challenges! There are still points out there for those.... and remember to head to the gallery and leave some loving!edited to add...if you had fun today, Miranda is planning WAY more fun at the official CROP the 22nd-24th of February. Join us then!!!
You all did a great job and we all appreciate all the hard work. And I know I had a great time.Thankyou!!
thanks to ALL of you at ACOT!!! Stuff like this makes ACOT such an awesome place to hang out.
Thanks, I've had a great time, and.........hope I win bingo!
Risa from Georgia
Thanks to everyone behind the scenes!! I had a wonderful time!! ACOT Rocks!

I didn't get to play today, but looking forward to the winter crop. Thanks for putting this together ladies!
THis has been GREAT!! FIrst time ever and when I was here...I had a blast! marking off the 22-24 FOR SURE! THanks so much!
Thanks -- these are always fun! Too bad I had to go make dinner and miss the end
Rhonda -- Scrappin' in Wisconsin

Thanks to Pam and all of the fabulous hostesses! You did a great job!Laura
I've almost got my love challenge done. Thanks for hosting this and can't wait till the crop!