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Cherry Jubilee

get to know your acot neighbor #3
SAHM/WAHM, Freelance journalist, Freelance media consultant
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Sweet Cherry Pie

get to know your acot neighbor #3
I work part time at my local fabric & craft store, and full time mom
Scrapbooking is cheaper than a therapist!~author unknown
C * A * T * H Y
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

get to know your acot neighbor #3
I'm an Accounting Clerk
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Cherry Blossom

get to know your acot neighbor #3
SAHM, Senoir Imaging Processor, Graduate Student
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Cherry Cola

get to know your acot neighbor #3
I am a domestic engineer!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

get to know your acot neighbor #3
Loan Counselor
I collect past due student loans and student accounts
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Cherry Cola

get to know your acot neighbor #3
Jack of all trades no really Im a sub acute setting nurse( RN)
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Cherry Cropper

get to know your acot neighbor #3
Home maker
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

get to know your acot neighbor #3
Full-time:  Business Education teacher (keyboarding, accounting, business law) - high schoolPart-time: I also work at my LSS
{hopelessly addicted}

Filling my basket with all of the new goodies :)


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

get to know your acot neighbor #3
Domestic Diva  okay okay....HomemakerUse to be an Underwriter in the mortgage industry and now am looking into options of becoming self-employed
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Bing

get to know your acot neighbor #3
Retail Sales Associate for Time Warner Cable ... As well as Mommy!
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Cherry Jubilee

get to know your acot neighbor #3
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Cherry Bing

get to know your acot neighbor #3
Jess!  LOL!!!  You are too funny! I am a sorta SAHM.  I substitute teach when I want to.  Usually when my kid's teachers call!  I love to be in their class with them. I am currently apply for a paid 'scrappy' position that I would be able to do mostly from home.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
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Cherry Garcia

get to know your acot neighbor #3

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Cherry Jubilee

get to know your acot neighbor #3
Project Manager/analyst
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Bowl Full of Cherries

get to know your acot neighbor #3
Paralegal (litigation)
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Cherry Garcia

get to know your acot neighbor #3
Domestic Engineer
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Cherry Cola

get to know your acot neighbor #3
I am currently the Educational Director and one of the founding members of Casper Children's Theatre.  We do 9 shows a year with children ages 4-16 at the theatre and also have an extensive outreach program in the school disrict where we offer enrichment while teachers are in meetings or inservice training.  We have  a group of performers wincluding myself who perform a short show (about 45-60 min) and then we break up into groups and do activities with the kids based on the performance.  Right now we are doing African Folktales.  We also have a more in-depth project at one school where we work with each class for an hour every Tuesday.  This semester they are learning to write film scripts based on African Folktales and then we will film them at the end of the project in April.  They will also be making masks, , costumes, painting backdrops, and learning drumming and dancing as part of the process of telling these stories.  There will be a film premier in May for the students and parents.
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Featured Guest Coordinator

get to know your acot neighbor #3
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Cherry Jubilee

get to know your acot neighbor #3
Paralegal and Student and Mom
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