Here is the Nene inspired IF question for the day...IF you were to lead in a cause "to Save........."something in this world...what would it be, and why?
I think I would save children from abusive homes or situations...I hate to see the hope of a child taken away.
It would be to save some of the beautiful old buildings I drive past every day that are falling down in ruin. So sad!
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen

"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen

Yep - i am with Laura - I would work hard to stop the abuse of children. There was a little 4 year old boy here in the Twin Cities who was beaten to death last week by his cousin....a woman who was supposed to be taking care of him. He had an accident in his pants and she had her two children hold him down while she beat him to just made me sick....and oh so angry. So yeah...that is what I would do....
The animals!! From big to small I want to save every one of them and I have always said if I won the lottery I would open a no-kill shelter and save all that I could get my hands on.
Children- there is too much heartbreak for some of them. It's devastating.
I'm not saying forget what you lost
I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
And it's paid every time we take hold of the reins
I'm not saying forget what you lost
I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
And it's paid every time we take hold of the reins
Since most of you have the children covered.... I would have to pick wildlife and habitat.

Word of 2025 - APPRECIATE
Yeah mine is definitely animals and their habitats too. I'm so sick of seeing people just treat them like they are nothing and I would make the biggest stand I can for all domestic and wild animals.
I would save all the abused and unloved children.I would also KILL all the abusers!
... The World... from global climate change. I don't want the polar bears to drown, the ice caps to melt, the salmon to die, my flowers to change habitats, the butterflies to lose their way, the hummingbirds to freeze...

I'd be all about humane society kinda thing and saving animals. Whether it be from bad homes or just strays, I love animals and hate to see them in bad situtations!
Yup... I am all about CANCER too. I wish we could find the ultimate cure for that!
I would save the Family - get kids involved with their parents and vice versa. I'm not talking about lots of ballet and baseball classes and PTA. I'm talking about families doing things together.
Our beautiful wildlife so that future generations will have the opportunity to see them, especially the Gorilla's in Africa!