I am quite passionate about children with autism, so I guess I would too want to save the children from autism. I also love the humane society and how well most care for abandoned or mistreated animals, so autism first, but at a close second, animals!!
Children, just recently I met a cute little boy at the hospital that's been medically neglected by his mom
Can you save people from stupidity? Right now I'm on a "Save the schools" kick. Our school system out here in California is FUBAR.
Wow, I guess I'd have to be an advocate for adoption, for the benefit of children who need a good home.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams... live the life you have imagined. -Thoreau
Guess I should answer my own question! haha!First of all, you all have great answers! My first choice would be children too....but, I am also on a huge kick on saving the planet...I want this place to be here for generations to come.. and be a healthy place at that!
Save children from abuse.
Both physical and emotional abuse.
I'm a survivor of both. No idea how I made it as far in life as I have but some kids just don't make it.
Both physical and emotional abuse.
I'm a survivor of both. No idea how I made it as far in life as I have but some kids just don't make it.