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Cherry Tart

lunar eclipse
just curious if anyone else watched the lunar eclipse, it was very pretty here no clouds in the sky or anything!~~~~MeGaN~~~~
work at home mom
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Wild Cherry

lunar eclipse
Anyone else here in the south? It looks just like the picture that was posted about an hour ago. Is it possible that it's just starting for me?  
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Jubilee

lunar eclipse
I keep popping out to see it - Tommy was still awake so we sat outside and watched the moon disappear, then came inside...
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Cherry Bing

lunar eclipse
YES!  It was ridiculously clear here too - so pretty!  I even froze my buns off for a little bit to go play with my camera (I actually used it in Manual *GASP* - but still don't knwo what the sam heck I'm doing!)  these were taken about 9:15 Central time......so a little bit past prime. Anyone know what the stars/planets are around the moon??
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Cherry Bing

lunar eclipse
NO stinkin' way!!!!!!!!  THose photos are AMAZING!!!  I tried to use manual on my camera and it was a joke!  Did you use a tri-pod?  Well, I'm totally impressed!  It was very clear here as well and I tried but got NOTHING like this.  Great job!
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Cherry Blossom

lunar eclipse
The planet Saturn and the bright star Regulus will form a broad triangle with the moon's ruddy disk, according to Joe Rao, SPACE.com's Skywatching Columnist.Here is a link to the whole article.http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/0 ... -news.html
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Chatty Cherry

lunar eclipse
yep looks like more of the moon is showing than it was 1/2 hour ago..cool
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Cherry Cropper

lunar eclipse
I know what a beautiful sight the stars, the moon and the outer space are and also under sea life!   But for some reason it has scared me all my life.  I don't know what it is I just can't look at these things.  I have tried but to no avail.  it scares the living crap out of me.
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Cherry Tart

lunar eclipse
it was so cloudy I didnt get to really see it here :(
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Cherry Cropper

lunar eclipse
Gorgeous photos, Karin!  That's exactly what we saw here, only minus the building.  It was really beautiful!  
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Cherry Bing

lunar eclipse
In Michigan, we had a clear, crispy, and extremely cold evening ... the eclipse was absolutely beautiful ... for the most part, my family watched it ... truly AMAZING!
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Cherry Jubilee

lunar eclipse
Thanks for the pics Karin, cause I missed it!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

lunar eclipse
I fell asleep
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Cherry Bing

lunar eclipse
I went outside last night to look at it.  And it was very cool.  Those pics show exactly what it looked like from the naked eye.  Great pictures.
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Cherry Picker

lunar eclipse
I missed it.  I didn't see the moon out while driving home from church (but wasn't looking for it either) and I didn't think about it until about 9:30 or so.  I looked out the window but didn't see anything.  Those pics are really cool!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

lunar eclipse
Wow, you really had a clear shot. Great photos!! We did the family thing and watched with the kids. Its cool we watched the whole thing from our couch. Turned off all the lights and just sat there chatting. When it went dark we went outside and looked at it froze our butts off...Brrrrrr! it's freeezing!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

lunar eclipse
I ran out and took a look too, and a couple pics. They aren't anywhere near as beautiful as those ones, but I got a couple of nice ones i think. It is a beautiful sight for sure but man it was freezing out so I didn't stay out for very long.
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Cherry Garcia

lunar eclipse
Incredible photos, Megan!  It was a total eclipse here, but no red coloring.  Didn't even think to try pictures, but then I didn't want to go outside anyway.  Wish I had for the kids.  They were so excited about it.  Woke up DS#1 to see it, but he was too groggy and didn't remember this morning.  Tried to wake DS#2, but he was zonked.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

lunar eclipse
We saw it about halfway through but I was too lazy to get out my camera. There were lots of good camera tips online about what f-stop, ISO, etc... to use. 
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A Cherry on Top

lunar eclipse
Yep! Took the kids out with the camera last night and watched it from 6:35 until it totally eclipsed (7:01pm), took a few pictures and the novelty wore off quickly for the kids so we headed back in before it revealed itselg again..  But it was pretty cool! Especially this morning when we saw Bella Luna in all her beautiful glory on our way to school!
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