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Jolly Holly Scraps

Cherry Cropper

Re: I Know It's a Little Early...
Beautiful tree Kristin! 🤩 
Lol I have come to the conclusion that I have too many cats to have a tree! 🤷🏻😂
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: I Know It's a Little Early...
So Pretty!!  My daughter bought a mini tree for her bedroom and decorated it all in pink!
 Have a Wonderful Day!  ~Misty
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I Know It's a Little Early...
Thank you ladies, believe me when I say this is not a big scraproom at all.  This is the only free spot in the room and even then I had to move things around to make it fit.  Loved reading when you all put yours up and your traditions. I used to not start this early but now that the boys are doing their own things, this is making me happy right now.  Will do the rest of the household trees probably next week while we are on Fall recess.  The rest of the house is still decorated in Fall and I am trying very hard not to be superstitious about having two holidays up at once but Christmas is only in here right now. 
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
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Helen W.

Cherry Picker

Re: I Know It's a Little Early …
Everything will be decorated to the hilt before the end of the month. And I'll leave it up as long as I can.
True story - one year, my husband and I loved our tree so much that we left it up looong after Christmas. In April a policeman came to the door to check on us because the neighbours were concerned that something was wrong.
"We're still alive. We just don't want Christmas to end!"
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: I Know It's a Little Early...
Your tree is pinkalicious! Just gorgeous! I've had my Christmas bins out in my living room since Nov 1st but since we are getting our floors replaced this week, I decided it'll be easier on me to take out the decorations AFTER the floors are done. I want a tree for my craft room so bad... and an other for the kitchen aaand one for the game room LOL I love Christmas! It's never too early!
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Doing all the crafty things.

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Cherry Garcia

Re: I Know It's a Little Early...
Super cute 
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Melissa H.

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karen c.

Cherry Bomb

Re: I Know It's a Little Early...
Not yet I have been away. Your tree is beautiful!
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Cherry Tart

Re: I Know It's a Little Early...
Oooh, she is gorgeous! We went to the Garden Glow last night and now I'm in the Christmas spirit. We'll decorate Thanksgiving night, however.
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