Found these fun pics of my daughter:

Used some old papers, scraps and Doodlebug bits and pieces.

Used some old papers, scraps and Doodlebug bits and pieces.

Here's mine

It came out less black than I thought it would when I picked out which products to use. I hope it's ok.

It came out less black than I thought it would when I picked out which products to use. I hope it's ok.

This was such a fun challenge, a little out of my comfort zone but loved doing it. Used a gear stencil under the sides of the photo using texture paste and black paint. Used a black title as well.

"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"

Here's my card for this one. And may I say that prize package is lovely!

Happy Scrapping!

I have done all white, but all black was harder! Thanks for the challenge!


This ended up with a little more white than I originally intended. I had a cutting error with the black paper and of course it was the only sheet I had

“Whatever you choose to do, leave tracks. That means don’t do it just for yourself. You will want to leave the world a little better for your having lived.” RBG

Layout created for the Black friday challenge #1: create a page using mostly black.
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Add some sparkle to your life 
- Henriette

- Henriette

This is mine.
