Have you all checked out our new blog yet? We're in love with it! https://www.acherryontop.com/blog/
Our old blog was built from scratch into our site and was very limited in design and function. So now our new blog is moved over to Wordpress and has so many features! It sure took us awhile to set it up and get all the old blog posts over. We've been blogging since early 2000's!
What's new:
- You can now subscribe to the blog and get emails whenever there is a new post! Now you won't ever miss out.
- We have cleaned up the categories, got rid of old ones and added some new like mini albums!
- Tags! You'll see these at the bottom of each post, and these will be more specific than categories. If you click on a tag, you'll see other posts with that same tag. These might be collections, brands, etc. (Not every post has been tagged yet, I'm still working on this ha!)
- Search! Now you can search for blog posts! Our old search either didn't work, or didn't work well. So now you can search for anything you want.
- The main page has several areas to browse! Announcements, more scrapbook inspiration, cherry box, cards, planners, art journals, and even more crafts.
- Comments! We'll now be able to get notifications and be able to reply to comments. So nice to have!
I'm sure there is more, but that's all I can think of for now

Enjoy the new blog and let us know what you think!