Traditional Layout ... ken-nugget
This page by love2stamp called my name with its clever title (and cool title design). I had to look closer! And I'm so glad that I did! The journaling is well-written and heart-warming! As someone who values the story above all other things, this one was an easy choice. I'm not even a dog person (that's putting it mildly), but I found myself smiling at the photo and the story! And bonus points for showing kindness!
Digital Layout ... pooky-barn
I chose this layout by pizazz because it's a grid design that doesn't look like a grid design! All of the pumpkins and flowers soften the lines of the grid and make for a fun, eclectic collage-feel. I also love the pops of bright orange that stand out from the mostly-neutral color palette. The vintage-y elements add to the spooky theme, too!
Art Journal: ... 1-so-sweet
So yeah, of course the cute baby photo caught my eye on this one by CarrieG! But I also loved the squiggly lines on the left and the sprinkled stamping and enamel dots. The phrase stickers form a visual triangle that walk your eye across the page. This is very modern-feeling and cool. Speaking of cool, I loved the monochromatic blue color scheme, too!
Card ... -bee-happy
I'm not a card maker, so I evaluate cards based on which one I would like to receive in my mailbox. And this one by njr007 is just so CUTE. It would delight me to open it up! It has a bit of everything: stamping, inking, die-cutting, and of course, that lovely flower, which adds dimension. I also love the (I think handwritten?) sentiment. Just a happy, little card with happy, little bees!