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Cherry Jubilee

some fun for sprinkles **CLOSED**
I was thinking earlier about a job I had 29 years ago...LOL  gasp  doesn't seem that long ago......
it was truly a unique job.......and I wondered how many other ppl have had odd/bizarre/unique jobs in their lives....

so tell me yours......

here is mine.....I had a friend who owned a company called Embossing Arts--some of you may know of them....think back many moons ago to wooden mounted stamps and the such--and pre sticker images on the block
I worked for her STAMPING the image on the wooden blocks.....oyyyyyyyyyy  it was a fun but tedious and sometimes frustrating job.....and I suspect that is why I avoided STAMPING for many years...LOL
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Cherry Crush

Re: some fun for sprinkles
Wow!  That is an odd job.  I don’t have any that weird, but I did an “internship” in college for a textbook publishing company.  I wanted to be a graphic designer and thought I would get a chance to do some designing.  Basically, I was a gopher in the graphic design dept.  The “boss” didn’t really need me. I spent a week cleaning out the supply closet and organizing it.  Then, she sent me to the the photography dept. to file stock photos.  Sigh..  But, I drove 45 minutes each way in city traffic to go there…felt like it was my first “ big girl” job. LOL
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Cherry Addict

Re: some fun for sprinkles
I always had pretty traditional jobs. My mother didn’t drive while I was in high school and we had one car that my father drove. So I never had those odd part time jobs while in high school.
** Chris **

My blog: http://mommomandpoppop.blogspot.com/

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: some fun for sprinkles
I never had an odd job. I worked at my synagogue in middle school and at a computer store in high school. I guess a girl working at a computer store in the 1980s was unusual. Then I had summer jobs in my field of electrical engineering and worked as an electrical engineer for 25 years after graduating. Then I retired and now I scrapbook and make dinner reservations.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: some fun for sprinkles
I had a friend who's family owned a florist.  They needed extra help during seeding time and I worked in the green house doing "plugs" for starting seeds and seedlings.  We had a little tool that you pushed into the 2 inch square pot of soil to make a hole for seedlings.  So, I was just "plugging along" for a while!  It was actually a fun job until it got hot!  Ugh, the green house was no fun then.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: some fun for sprinkles
Oh WOW, that is an interesting job!  I've been at my current job for 27 years...I just gulped a little even typing that LOL  I wouldn't say I've had any job that would be considered odd, but I did work a second job in my early twenties for a very high end nanny service when I lived in Scottsdale, Arizona.  For a few months I was the weekend nanny for Dave Mustaine, the lead singer of Megadeth, for their 3 year old son.  It was very......interesting.....LOL


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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: some fun for sprinkles
Odd jobs are the best to hear about! I haven't had any odd jobs but I remember working retail at a clothing department as a teenager. To this day, I put every clothing item back where I got them or at the very least hang up the items in the "go-back" rack LOL 
Doing all the crafty things.

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Cherry Cola

Re: some fun for sprinkles
that is an odd job! 

I wouldn't say odd job, but a pretty unique first job! I was an usher for a summer theate/playhouse in high school! We only ever worked about 2.5 hours at a time, an hour before the show staffing a concession stand and a souvenir stand as well as seating patrons. We got to just hang out playing cards & various games for about an hour until intermission. Then we cleaned up and our shift was done! Most shows were 7:00pm if I remember right, so it was a 6-8:30 gig! In fact, the summer after my senior year, I did that AND a retail job because I had the time! 
~Brandi  :)

Follow me on Instagram! @scrappy.boymama 

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: some fun for sprinkles
StacyLeeD wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 6:28 pm
Oh WOW, that is an interesting job!  I've been at my current job for 27 years...I just gulped a little even typing that LOL  I wouldn't say I've had any job that would be considered odd, but I did work a second job in my early twenties for a very high end nanny service when I lived in Scottsdale, Arizona.  For a few months I was the weekend nanny for Dave Mustaine, the lead singer of Megadeth, for their 3 year old son.  It was very......interesting.....LOL

That is SO AWESOME lol I had a client once who was a nanny for Maynard, the lead singer of Tool. Just know someone who has been that close to a rock star was so cool lol She would say that he and his family were absolutely kind and caring. I can only imagine your stories LOL
Doing all the crafty things.

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Kelly R.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: some fun for sprinkles
I wouldn't  say odd, but my absolute  favorite  part time job was working in a 5 screen movie theater to help pay for collage.  I worked a full time job and did college classes part time and worked at the theater on the weekends.  It was so much fun and we had the best employees.   On Saturday  nights after closing  we all headed to the midnight movie in another part of town.  They had table and chairs instead of theater seats and a full bar/restaurant.   
:) Kelly 

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Amy Jo

Cherry Bomb

Re: some fun for sprinkles
I worked at Cold Stone Creamery, dressed up as an ice cream cone mascot, and handed out coupons at the mall one summer….ugh!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: some fun for sprinkles
I did have one crazy job...after getting my cosmetology license and being a hair dresser for about a year or so I decided it was NOT for me!!  I left and went to go work for Royal Prestige, a cookware company where you go to peoples houses and try to sell them pots and pans. me...the world's biggest paranoid chicken.  That lasted about three weeks. don't know what in the world I was thinking!!!
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
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Cherry Bing

Re: some fun for sprinkles
I've had mostly traditional jobs too. My unique job was in 9th and 10th grade - I taught English to two social workers, in my home,  while living in Japan. I had workbooks and a curriculum, and even invited guest speakers from the American Embassy (my dad was a foreign service officer at the time) for conversation lessons. 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: some fun for sprinkles
My first job was just a regular waitress at Steak N Shake.  I was able to work my schedule around taking classes at a business school.  After I completed the one year of classes, I then got a job at a poverty agency helping the needy with outreach services and worked full time.  I did go back to Steak N Shake years later for a part-time job to get extra $$ for a vacation.   

When I started working at the State one of my coworkers worked at the outdoor concert venue where all the big artists perform.  For a fundraiser for Clothe-A-Child we got to work as volunteers with the parking lot, ticket admissions and helping people find their seats.  I was lucky to be one who got to seat people inside the outdoor venue.  Once the show started and we knew no one else needed help, my friends and me found seats and watched the concert.  The lineup was Cyndi Lauper and Cher.  Once in a lifetime to see them performing for free.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: some fun for sprinkles
I was a biology major, so I've had some interesting ones during my college summers.  One summer I worked at a marine biology lab for a professor who was working on sea urchin sperm motility.  He would take microscopic photos of the sperm swimming, and I would digitize them on a computer.  Another summer I worked at a zoo watching gorillas and antelopes and taking notes about their activity.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: some fun for sprinkles
When I was 14 years old my first job was for my small town as a “playground supervisor “. I basically watched kids play lol. Though there were teens older than me there hanging out doing not so good things, nothing that bad happened. I think it was more dangerous for me than I realized at the time. It was under $2 an hour.
👋 ~~Sandy~~ 👋
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Cherry Bing

Re: some fun for sprinkles
Out of high school, I worked at a local hometown newspaper. I used a super fancy machine that made strips of columns to fit in the newspaper. Staying up until the wee hours of the night to complete the handwritten articles from the small communities around the town. On Friday nights I would go to the local football games then come back and type away. The paper had to go out on Saturday to the press in a nearby larger town. It was so cool seeing it printed. 

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Cherry Garcia

Re: some fun for sprinkles
When I was Fourteen , I bagged fresh caught shrimp at the local store during shrimp Season!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: some fun for sprinkles
I attended the Disney College Program and worked at The Disney MGM Studios it was called back then. I attended Disney University and have my Ducktorate Degree from there!
I met so e famous people. I worked at the Rockin Roller Coaster staring Aerosmith! My favorite! I met Joe Perry. I met Christina Aguilara, Mariah Carey, and the number one guest I got to put on the ride………Michael Jackson!  

I was also friends with Alice in Wonderland. IYKYK….🍄
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Cherry Berry

Re: some fun for sprinkles
I was an usherette in a theater back in the early 60s.  Not too unusual, but don’t hear that much now.  I dressed in Marion uniform with gold tassel ps on shoulder ps, and carried a large flashlight.  I must have seen Whatever Happened to Baby Jane a couple dozen times and heard Elvis Presley sing return to sender that many times, too. LOL
Blog: Foxy Stamping
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