****Update 5/7
Thank you for the prayers and good thoughts and love everybody! I felt the love. The procedure went well but they had to go in 2x to remove all the cancer. I have been completely bandaged from the top bridge of my nose to my lip. I can't blow my nose and it's killing me LOL! Everything is wearing off now and starting to hurt. I think maybe we will just binge watch something the rest of the night. DH went out to get my antibiotics. Tomorrow I will be able to see what the stitches look like. I have been cleared to go back to work 5/29 but will prob wait til the first homestand in June. I have plenty of copy editing and scrapping I can do at home LOL!
Picture, when the Valium kicked in LOL! This was between the first procedure and the second.

***Update 5/8
Yikes everything has worn off and I don't look or feel so chipper anymore LOL. The good thing is the suffocating bandages are off and just have gauze covering the stitches. But my face is swollen and my left eye is almost closed - ack! How will I scrap? LOL! (Just noticed my feet didn't touch the floor in that picture - 5'3" LOL!) I did laugh out loud at everybody who said they would also be upset about the timing during NSD challenges! I do feel better LOL!
5/10 -- Yesterday my face & eye were so puffy I could hardly see. The swelling has gone down a bit today, but I am still icing it and taking Tylenol. Now that the swelling has gone down, I can feel the stitches more but can see better so I guess that's progress LOL? I did some copy editing and worked on some cards for some of the challenges. We are in sore need of birthday cards for May and June around here!