Let's get started with me
Never Have I ever gone to Niagara Falls.
Never Have I ever rode in a taxi.
Never have I ever seen a orca in the wild.
Never have I ever owned a dog.
Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.
Never have I ever broken a bone.
Never have I ever camped out over night at the grandcanyon.
Never have I ever used a heat tool for embossing.
Never have I ever been to Disney Park.
Never have I ever been ziplining.
Never have I ever watched a Harry Potter movie.
Never have I ever been sky diving.
Never have I ever know how to swim.
How fun was it for me to find out these fun facts about our great hostesses!!
Now for the winners!
First place is tied with all of them correct lcs_99 and karen c.
Second place and third place is tied with 11 correct SandyK1967, megs1768,GinniG
I changed the prizes up because there were more winners than prizes.
The two first place winners will receive a 5$ ACOT gift certificate. Please confirm you received your gift cards. Thank you
The three follow up I will divide the total points.
It was such a close count!!
Hello cherries!!
I hope everyone is having so much fun!! I know I am!! Who is ready for another fun game? This is the final Game for the night! Thank you all for joining me for a wonderful weekend of fun!
This one is a game to get know some fun facts about our great hostesses. Each Hostess has provided a fun never have I ever fact about themselves. You will need to guess which is the true fact and which one they have never done.
Let's get started with me
Never Have I ever gone to Niagara Falls.
Never Have I ever ranked military grade sharp shooter.
Never have I ever rode in an ambulance.
Never Have I ever rode in a taxi.
Never have I ever seen a orca in the wild.
Never have I ever won a lip print contest.
Never have I ever owned a dog.
Never have I ever sold Tupperware.
Never have I ever gone ziplining.
Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.
Never have I ever broken a bone.
Never have I ever gotten pulled over doing 90mph in a 70mph.
Never have I ever eaten lunch at McDonald's with an astronaut.
Never have I ever camped out over night at the grandcanyon.
Never have I ever flown in a good year blimp.
Never have I ever used a heat tool for embossing.
Never have I ever been on TV.
Never have I ever been to Disney Park.
Never have I ever been ziplining.
Never have I ever been on a hot air balloon.
Never have I ever watched a Harry Potter movie.
Never have I ever rode a horse to the top if a mountain.
Never have I ever been sky diving.
Never have I ever pilot a plane.
Never have I ever know how to swim.
Never have I ever played college ball.
How fun was it for me to find out these fun facts about our great hostesses!!
Now it's your turn to guess.
For the first person to guess all of them right will get 500 cherry points. Or the person who guessed the most right.
Second person will receive 200 cherry points. Or the person who guessed the most right.
Third person will receive 100 cherry points. Or the person who guessed the most right.
Can't wait to see your guesses!!
Game will be closed Sunday May 6th 11:59 EDT