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Cherry Crush

Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
Do you like to bake or just cook in general?  I do!  Answer the questions below on this thread, please, so I can get to know you better! ;)

1.  I prefer:
     A.  Baking  (desserts, breads, etc.)
     B.  Cooking (as in main dishes)
     C.  Grilling  
     D.  Putting together food that doesn't have to be cooked (like charcuterie, salads, etc.)
     E.  Eating out  (LOL)

2.  If I were to choose one of the desserts below to eat, I would prefer:
     A.  Cherry pie
     B.  Cherry cobbler
     C.  Black Forest cake (with cherries on top)

3.  Do you know your current Cherry Rank?  What is it?  Do you think it will change during NSD weekend?  (Here's where you can find out AND where you can find your blinkies for your signature line. ;)  ) Cherry Ranks and Blinkies

Here are my answers:  I prefer B.  Cooking, I choose  A.  Cherry Pie, and I am currently a Cherry Crush.  I doubt it will change during the crop, because I have almost 4000 posts to go. I talk alot, but not that much!  lol

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
Oh, this is a hard one. I DO NOT like cooking, I MUCH prefer cleaning.  I will choose B because I also do not like to eat out everyday.  For Dessert I will say B.  I am currently a Cherry Cola. I only have 426 more to get to the next level so probably not but it is possible. 
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
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Cherry Addict

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
#1 I prefer B (cooking)
#2 I’m not a big Cherry fan but I will choose B (cherry cobbler)
‘I am currently a Chatty Cherry. I have about 875 posts to get to the next level so with the way things move so quickly it is a possibility!

** Chris **

My blog: http://mommomandpoppop.blogspot.com/

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
Even though I love to bake I prefer

D--putting together foods, I literally just got done making macaroni salad.

A--Cherry Pie for sure!

I thought I was Sweet Cherry Pie, but I just turned to a CHERRY BING with 2010 posts! So I doubt I will go to 3000 during NSD!

Thanks for the links!
👋 ~~Sandy~~ 👋
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
Art_Teacher wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:03 am
Do you like to bake or just cook in general?  I do!  Answer the questions below on this thread, please, so I can get to know you better! ;)

1.  I prefer:
     A.  Baking  (desserts, breads, etc.)
     B.  Cooking (as in main dishes)
     C.  Grilling  
     D.  Putting together food that doesn't have to be cooked (like charcuterie, salads, etc.)
     E.  Eating out  (LOL)

2.  If I were to choose one of the desserts below to eat, I would prefer:
     A.  Cherry pie
     B.  Cherry cobbler
     C.  Black Forest cake (with cherries on top)

3.  Do you know your current Cherry Rank?  What is it?  Do you think it will change during NSD weekend?  (Here's where you can find out AND where you can find your blinkies for your signature line. ;)  ) Cherry Ranks and Blinkies

Here are my answers:  I prefer B.  Cooking, I choose  A.  Cherry Pie, and I am currently a Cherry Crush.  I doubt it will change during the crop, because I have almost 4000 posts to go. I talk alot, but not that much!  lol

I'm going with

a) Baking
c) Black Forest cake with cherries (YUM!!!)
I'm a Chocolate Covered Cherry and currently need about 575 more posts to level up....maybeeeeeeeee???????????? I'm trying LOL!!!
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
1.  E--definitely prefer eating out!

2.  B--cherry cobbler.  i don't like cherries (sorry!) and this seems the least offensive option lol!

3.  i believe i'm a Cherry Bing.  with my schedule, i highly doubt i will move up 

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Cherry Cola

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
I am going with...
E. eating out
C. black forresst cake 

I am a Cherry Cola and need 1833 to move up. So it probably not going to happen.
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Cherry Berry

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
1 I prefer B
2  B (cherry cobbler)
I am currently a Cherry Blossom. I don't think that I will move up, but it's possible.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
1. B. I love cooking main dishes and love trying new recipes.
2. A. I love any kind of pie.
3. I am a Cherry Garcia at 4979 points. Very close to Cherry Cola. I think I will make it.
Mary           Love is all around you.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
1.  I prefer:
     B.  Cooking (as in main dishes)

2.  If I were to choose one of the desserts below to eat, I would prefer:
    B.  Cherry cobbler
3.  Do you know your current Cherry Rank?  What is it?  Do you think it will change during NSD weekend?  Cherry Cropper.  No it won't.  I just went up a level recently.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
Fun, Laura! I’m not a good cook and don’t particularly enjoy it 😂 but my son loves some special items I bake for him, so I’m going to go with
Cherry Cobbler
I’m a Cherry Bomb 🍒 💣 and only a handful of posts away from being Cherry Garcia, I’ll probably rank up before NSD  :greenlol:


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Kelly R.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
I prefer eating out, but I like to grill also.

Black Forrest cake

I have been shopping here since 2011, but I just now started using the message boards, so I'm a Cherry Tart.

:) Kelly
:) Kelly 

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Cherry Bing

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
cherry bing - probably will not go to next rank

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Cherry Bark

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
1.  I prefer:
     B.  Cooking (as in main dishes)
2.  If I were to choose one of the desserts below to eat, I would prefer:   
     B.  Cherry cobbler
3.  Do you know your current Cherry Rank?  What is it?  Do you think it will change during NSD weekend?
    I am a CHERRY BARK which I chose a few years ago after I hit over 50,000 posts. And no, this will never change
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Crush

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
My answers:

1.  I prefer:
       A.  Baking  (desserts, breads, etc.)

2.  I prefer:
       C.  Black Forest cake (with cherries on top)

3.  I am a Cherry Crush.  I need 2,641 more posts to make it to Cherry on Top.  I doubt I can do that with just NSD!

And now . . . I want Black Forest Cake!!!

OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
I like to cook and bake. But will choose A.
Love Cherry Pie- also A

Currently a Cherry Cola @ 7253.

Next level is Chocolate Covered Cherry @ 7501, so that could be possible.


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Cherry Cola

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
1.  I prefer:
     E.  Eating out  (LOL)

2.  If I were to choose one of the desserts below to eat, I would prefer:
     C.  Black Forest cake (with cherries on top)

3.  Do you know your current Cherry Rank? 

Cherry Cola - 7119 today
Hoping to move up a level during NSD!
Next level is Chocolate Covered Cherry 7501

blfonty a.k.a. Bonnie

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Cherry Addict

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
1.  I prefer:
     A.  Baking  (desserts, breads, etc.)
     B.  Cooking (as in main dishes)
     C.  Grilling  
     D.  Putting together food that doesn't have to be cooked (like charcuterie, salads, etc.)
     E.  Eating out  (LOL)

2.  If I were to choose one of the desserts below to eat, I would prefer:
     A.  Cherry pie
     B.  Cherry cobbler
     C.  Black Forest cake (with cherries on top)

3.  Do you know your current Cherry Rank?  What is it?  Do you think it will change during NSD weekend?  (Here's where you can find out AND where you can find your blinkies for your signature line. Image

1.  D
2.  C
3.  I am a Cherry Addict with 27641 points.  I need 1360 to get to Cherry Delight!  Gonna give it a try!!!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
 view my blog (new) https://ourhideawayparadise.blogspot.com/ 

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Cherry Berry

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
I prefer B and A, cooking and cherry pie :)

I’m pretty sure I’m a cherry tart, but it might change over NSD weekend ;) 
Add some sparkle to your life :)

- Henriette
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Cherry Bing

Re: Art Teacher's NSD Hint #1
     B.  Cooking (as in main dishes)
     C.  Black Forest cake (with cherries on top)

current Cherry Rank: Sweet cherry pie

It's ok, I scrapbook.
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