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Cherry Cola

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
JessicaMichaels wrote:
Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:13 pm
Hopefully I'm doing this right. First time poster, here! I'm new to the DT so I'm sure I'll be spending a lot of time here!

How did you find ACOT?? What technique would you like to learn? I have been a long-time customer with ACOT and absolutely love it here. The pre-order reels me right in! I would like to learn more mini album techniques!

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? Usually 1-2 but I'm known to throw in more for a challenge!

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper- 12x12 and mini albums

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I just finished up a school layout of my son!

Do you have your own scrap room? Yes, I am lucky to have a large craft room that used to be my hair salon and is now my craft room/playroom for my three kiddos.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?  Yes- so much fun! I haven't been to an in-person crop for awhile though and I'm missing my scrappy friends!

What gives you the creeps? Stink Bugs and Ticks. I legit cannot sleep if I know there's a stink bug in the house and ticks are just nasty little things.

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Night Owl- I do my absolute best creative thinking after midnight!

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Cherry Coke made with grenadine and real cherries on top!
Welcome! And yay for a PA girl! I grew up in south central PA but live in Maryland now - congrats again on your DT position! 
~Brandi  :)

Follow me on Instagram! @scrappy.boymama 

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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
Thanks for the welcome :) I have been lurking off and on. :) Welcome to other new cherries.
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Cherry Cropper

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
VexedAngel wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2023 11:20 pm
Thanks for the welcome :) I have been lurking off and on. :) Welcome to other new cherries.
😊Glad you made it! Lol I lurked a lot when I was first here! I'm not too tech savvy anyway 😂
AND JUST in time for the New Year!
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
Hello from NE Florida! I’ve been shopping at ACOT for a couple years now, but only recently learned about the chat boards and all the fun challenges…. so, here I am!  :)

How did you find ACOT??  I joined my first Victoria Marie Designs virtual crop in Jan 2022 after a 10-year hiatus from the craft. Her wonderful scrappy crew turned me on to ACOT and cherry-picking!

What technique would you like to learn? Not really sure, just staying open to all the new things!

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? Depends on the page size, but usually 3 or more.

Are you into digital or paper layouts? All the way paper, but I do enjoy designing embellishments with digital elements

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? Working on a 12x12 vacation album (Italy)

Do you have your own scrap room? Yes

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Both

What gives you the creeps? Any kind of horror story!

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Night owl

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Sangria or Tequila 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
MargaretAnn wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 9:02 pm
Hello from NE Florida! I’ve been shopping at ACOT for a couple years now, but only recently learned about the chat boards and all the fun challenges…. so, here I am!  :)

How did you find ACOT??  I joined my first Victoria Marie Designs virtual crop in Jan 2022 after a 10-year hiatus from the craft. Her wonderful scrappy crew turned me on to ACOT and cherry-picking!

What technique would you like to learn? Not really sure, just staying open to all the new things!

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? Depends on the page size, but usually 3 or more.

Are you into digital or paper layouts? All the way paper, but I do enjoy designing embellishments with digital elements

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? Working on a 12x12 vacation album (Italy)

Do you have your own scrap room? Yes

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Both

What gives you the creeps? Any kind of horror story!

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Night owl

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Sangria or Tequila 
Welcome to the ACOT message board, Margaret Ann!  You will find lots of inspiration and friendly Cherries.  Always ready to help if you need it!
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Cherry Berry

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
Hi Cherries

I’m apparently not new-new, but had forgotten that I had made a profile a while ago. I will full our the questionnaire though  😉

How did you find ACOT??
Whew, it’s been so long, that I don’t really remember. I think it might have been a NSD several years ago.

What technique would you like to learn?
I’ve never really mastered making a watercolor background, so I’d like to learn that.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
Anywhere from 1 to 5, mostly 1 or 2.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Only paper layouts, I’ve tried to get into digital several times, but it doesn’t satisfy the unge to create something with my hands. 

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
I create mostly from pagekits that I’ve made myself, so no current themes. The last page I made, was about our two kitties.

Do you have your own scrap room?
I share an office with my wife, and most of the stuff in the room is my scrabook supplies and albums.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
Yes, several crops. I’ve been to many different smaller crops, and bigger conventions, and participated in and hosted online crops. 

What gives you the creeps?
Bugs, spiders and the like. 

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Both?! I always get up really early, but I can also stay up long too. I don’t need much sleep, and I function best with 6-6,5 hours of sleep.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
Well, I don’t drink much, but if I had to choose, it would either be a glass of red wine, or a very fruity drink, that doesn’t taste of alcohol. Mostly, I’d like a soda  😅
Add some sparkle to your life :)

- Henriette
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Cherry Blossom

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT?? 
Found ACOT quite some time ago - approximately five years or so ago through a Google search.  I do count ACOT as my number one source

What technique would you like to learn?
I would love to learn to do more with media - especially Gesso in my papercrafting.  I am so intimidated by using any media, and yet I buy so many products to use, I need to start using them and quit being a scaredy cat.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
I am not a big fan of using a lot of pics on a layout, the most I like to use is four - five if they are cropped to where the paper will compliment the picture and the picture becomes part of the paper.  I hope that makes sense, at least it does to me and how I do my pages aka LO's

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Paper layouts - I love taking the time to feel the paper and its embellies and make a creation I can look back on years from now. I think I enjoy the albums just as much as the kiddos and family/friends do.

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
I am working on mini brag albums (Photoplay is my go to mini albums that I like to put together and create), making mini brag albums for my kiddos for all the pics they take of my Grandpups. Hey, when you do not have grandbabies yet, and I love my grandpups as if they were my grands. I also have my feathered two legged babies that I spoil, love and have - pet turkeys, ducks, and chickens.  So, to answer your question clearly I have a few mini brag books that I am making. I am also making as I learn to do a Junk Journal. I love to garden, raising my poultry babies and cooking, as well as a Prayer Journal that I am learning to make as I go along. 

Do you have your own scrap room?
I do - not one, not two, not three or more. We have two houses in the area (2nd marriages for us - combined assets), and have purchased a weekend get-away house on the ICW here in NC where I am extremely blessed to have my third scraproom.  I am blessed in so many ways, where I journal in my JJ <3

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
Yes fortunately! Again, my blessings I have. I am going to one in a couple of weeks. Here in the NC/SC/VA/MD area we have several opportunities to do a crop just about every week.  I look forward to doing my very first one here at ACOT for NSD 2024. I have never done one online, so I will be in the learning experience of how to keep up and what to do.

What gives you the creeps?
Spiders! I can deal with snakes, mice and bugs - but spiders NO!  Serving 22 years in the Marine Corps, with one of my tours being in the bush of Phillipines there were some spiders that were so creepy just thinking about it makes me itch.  No SPIDERS near me! Please. 

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
To be honest - when I am at a crop it is nothing for me to go to until 5 am or 6 am the next morning, go take an hour nap and shower, get back down to the crop room within an hour to hour and half. Now in my day-to-day life it is not any big deal to be up at 4 am and in the bed around 11 pm. I think my body aka mind is "conditioned" (LOL) from the Marine Corps to do long hours and keep on charging.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
I honestly only drink water. Just started drinking coffee at 60 years old.  Never have been a soft drink drinker, alcohol drinker, or spirits drinker. It has been water and southern ice tea for me in my life.  

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer a few questions - I look forward to continuing my daily ACOT check-in.  Love me some ACOT
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
johnniesgirl12 wrote:
Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:04 am
How did you find ACOT?? 
Found ACOT quite some time ago - approximately five years or so ago through a Google search.  I do count ACOT as my number one source

What technique would you like to learn?
I would love to learn to do more with media - especially Gesso in my papercrafting.  I am so intimidated by using any media, and yet I buy so many products to use, I need to start using them and quit being a scaredy cat.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
I am not a big fan of using a lot of pics on a layout, the most I like to use is four - five if they are cropped to where the paper will compliment the picture and the picture becomes part of the paper.  I hope that makes sense, at least it does to me and how I do my pages aka LO's

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Paper layouts - I love taking the time to feel the paper and its embellies and make a creation I can look back on years from now. I think I enjoy the albums just as much as the kiddos and family/friends do.

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
I am working on mini brag albums (Photoplay is my go to mini albums that I like to put together and create), making mini brag albums for my kiddos for all the pics they take of my Grandpups. Hey, when you do not have grandbabies yet, and I love my grandpups as if they were my grands. I also have my feathered two legged babies that I spoil, love and have - pet turkeys, ducks, and chickens.  So, to answer your question clearly I have a few mini brag books that I am making. I am also making as I learn to do a Junk Journal. I love to garden, raising my poultry babies and cooking, as well as a Prayer Journal that I am learning to make as I go along. 

Do you have your own scrap room?
I do - not one, not two, not three or more. We have two houses in the area (2nd marriages for us - combined assets), and have purchased a weekend get-away house on the ICW here in NC where I am extremely blessed to have my third scraproom.  I am blessed in so many ways, where I journal in my JJ <3

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
Yes fortunately! Again, my blessings I have. I am going to one in a couple of weeks. Here in the NC/SC/VA/MD area we have several opportunities to do a crop just about every week.  I look forward to doing my very first one here at ACOT for NSD 2024. I have never done one online, so I will be in the learning experience of how to keep up and what to do.

What gives you the creeps?
Spiders! I can deal with snakes, mice and bugs - but spiders NO!  Serving 22 years in the Marine Corps, with one of my tours being in the bush of Phillipines there were some spiders that were so creepy just thinking about it makes me itch.  No SPIDERS near me! Please. 

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
To be honest - when I am at a crop it is nothing for me to go to until 5 am or 6 am the next morning, go take an hour nap and shower, get back down to the crop room within an hour to hour and half. Now in my day-to-day life it is not any big deal to be up at 4 am and in the bed around 11 pm. I think my body aka mind is "conditioned" (LOL) from the Marine Corps to do long hours and keep on charging.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
I honestly only drink water. Just started drinking coffee at 60 years old.  Never have been a soft drink drinker, alcohol drinker, or spirits drinker. It has been water and southern ice tea for me in my life.  

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer a few questions - I look forward to continuing my daily ACOT check-in.  Love me some ACOT

Welcome!!! Where in NC are you? My daughter lives near Havelock. My husband and I have 2 geese, a duck, 4 hens and a rooster. They’re so much fun! :) You’re going to really love being a part of this group!!!
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT?? From my BFF SandyJay!

What technique would you like to learn? How to use some of these inking techniques.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? Usually 3-4.

Are you into digital or paper layouts? I've done a few digital albums but miss the hands on crafting process so now I'm back I to paper!

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I'm working on an album for our 25th anniversary trip to Maui last year.

Do you have your own scrap room? No

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yes

What gives you the creeps? Being in a big building alone at night.

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Early bird.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Chardonnay.
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Kelly R.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT?
I'm  not new to ACOT.  I've  been shopping here for years.  I have not though participated on the message boards, challenges or posted much in my gallery.  The message boards are quit overwhelming.   It's  taken me days to navigate the set-up.  There are so many old posts.  I have to be conscientious to check the date of posts.

What technique would you like to learn?
Not any right now.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
Just one, but I have made several collage layouts with multiple photos.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Paper layouts only.  

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently?
've  been working on Christmas projects the past couple of months.   Right now I'm  working on a Spring/Summer album. 

Do you have your own scrap room?
Yes.  My 2nd bedroom is a dicated scraproom with tons of storage space plus a walk-in closet across the hall.  

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
No, but I would love to.  Cost so far has been a big factor.

What gives you the creeps?
Rude people and bullys.  I've had my fair share. 

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Neither.  I'm  retired  so I love not having to wake up to an alarm clock anymore.  I usually go to bed by 10pm or 11pm and get up around 9am.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
Oh, so many to count.  Depends on the atmosphere.   However, I generally like beer, wine, martinis and margaritas. 

:)  Kelly

:) Kelly 

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
Suegmomof3 wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:06 am
How did you find ACOT?? From my BFF SandyJay!

What technique would you like to learn? How to use some of these inking techniques.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? Usually 3-4.

Are you into digital or paper layouts? I've done a few digital albums but miss the hands on crafting process so now I'm back I to paper!

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I'm working on an album for our 25th anniversary trip to Maui last year.

Do you have your own scrap room? No

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yes

What gives you the creeps? Being in a big building alone at night.

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Early bird.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Chardonnay.
Hi Sue!  Welcome to the ACOT message board.  We are a friendly group and always ready to help if you need it.  Lucky you to be near Sandy and Sharman along with the ACOT store! 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
KVRLVN wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:11 pm
How did you find ACOT?
I'm  not new to ACOT.  I've  been shopping here for years.  I have not though participated on the message boards, challenges or posted much in my gallery.  The message boards are quit overwhelming.   It's  taken me days to navigate the set-up.  There are so many old posts.  I have to be conscientious to check the date of posts.

What technique would you like to learn?
Not any right now.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
Just one, but I have made several collage layouts with multiple photos.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Paper layouts only.  

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently?
've  been working on Christmas projects the past couple of months.   Right now I'm  working on a Spring/Summer album. 

Do you have your own scrap room?
Yes.  My 2nd bedroom is a dicated scraproom with tons of storage space plus a walk-in closet across the hall.  

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
No, but I would love to.  Cost so far has been a big factor.

What gives you the creeps?
Rude people and bullys.  I've had my fair share. 

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Neither.  I'm  retired  so I love not having to wake up to an alarm clock anymore.  I usually go to bed by 10pm or 11pm and get up around 9am.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
Oh, so many to count.  Depends on the atmosphere.   However, I generally like beer, wine, martinis and margaritas. 

:)  Kelly

Hi Kelly!  Welcome to the ACOT message board.   Everyone here is very friendly and always willing to help if needed.  My scrapping preference is one photo too.  Occasionally I use more than one.  A lot of us here on the board are retired too.  We are getting ready for a National Scrapbook Day event here on the boards.  Kind of like an online crop but there will be games and challenges.  Hope you are able to join us on May 3rd.
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Kelly R.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
Thank you Vicki.  I am looking forward to joining in on NSD and getting to know new people.

:) Kelly 
:) Kelly 

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Tam I Am

Cherry Blossom

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
suslvgeo wrote:
Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:57 pm
This is a questionairre for any new Cherries that want to participate!

We here at ACOT would love to get to know more about you and this seems like a fun way to do it. Of course we also encourage you starting a thread and introducing yourself, this is just a fun little tool to help you get started!

I will be popping onto the thread and randomly handing out points to those that participate. What are points you ask, click here to find out more.

edited to add:any new cherry can fill this out, but random points will only be given to those that have less than 500 post counts.

And WELCOME to ACOT!!!! We are glad you are here!!!!
How did you find ACOT??What technique would you like to learn?How many photos do you usually place on a layout?Are you into digital or paper layouts?What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?Do you have your own scrap room?Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? What gives you the creeps?Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?

I found out about ACOT from another message board. My first order was made when I won a GC prize on said message board during a challenge. :) Holy cow, that was nearly 9 years ago! (And I"m pretty sure I haven't actually used a couple of the stamps from that order yet. LOL)

I'm a  multi-photo scrapper. I work with the number of pics I have. If it's 1 I scrap one, if it's 10, I scrap 10. I try to fit as many as I can onto a 1 or two page spread. I scrap all my photos so it's to cut back on the number of pages and albums.

Can't think of any technique I'd like to learn.  I just wish it didn't take me so long to do anything!

Absolutely paper! (scrapbooking, magazines, books... paper, paper, paper!!) I tried digi before years ago. Didn't care for it/couldn't really get into it.

I think right now I'm working on pages for a Disney trip? It's been awhile - I haven't scrapped since last August.

Yes, I have a scrap room. Was my daughter's room. For a few years when she was little I actually had a corner set up in her room. She never bothered my stuff. For several years I had a corner in my small bedroom. So nice to have more space.

Yes to both on crops. I've only been to one or two IRL many years ago at a not so LSS - it was way back in the 2 peas in a bucket days so the croppers were Peas.

Spiders give me the creeps. I live in New England - we aren't known for giant spiders. But one day there was this GINORMOUS spider on the curtain in my bedroom next to my scrap area. The curtain when pulled back was a bit behind a bookshelf i had the back against the side of my desk. I pulled the curtain out to close it because I needed to block some sun and THERE WAS THIS GIANT SPIDER!! I mean giant. As in inches. I had to get the curtain out the window and shake it off. I was glad the cat didn't see it.

I'm not really either a night owl or an early bird I think.

I don't really like alcoholic drinks. So on the rare occasion, I prefer something made weak and fruity. LOL

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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT??
It’s been so long since I started shopping here but I am new to the boards.

What technique would you like to learn?

Nothing in particular.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?

Anywhere from 1 - 10+

Are you into digital or paper layouts?


What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?

Just finished a lo about my so. When he was a child.

Do you have your own scrap room?
Yes - and it’s a disaster!

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?

Both. Many times. I’m lucky to have a great circle of friends that scrap together and play together too.

What gives you the creeps?

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Night owl although early bird and night owl are kind of becoming irrelevant as I sleep late and go to bed earlier than I used to.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?

Lots of things from a margarita, to scotch to a nice red wine
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
Hello! I'm new to the message board! So excited to find this...was looking for a "community" to play along with (by play I mean scrapbook/craft). I took Facebook out of my life for my mental health but truly miss the online crops. So - was SUPER EXCITED when I came across this today. 

How did you find ACOT?? 
A friend told me to shop here a few years ago. I have definitely done some shopping here!  ;)

What technique would you like to learn?
layering stamps

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
Ooof...this is a hard one. For one pager - 1-3'ish; two pager - 4-10

Are you into digital or paper layouts?

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
I am working on heritage albums as well as some random everyday photos!

Do you have your own scrap room?

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
Yes! Quite a few...love them!

What gives you the creeps?

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Lately - a night-owl...perimenopause is doing a number on me.  ;)

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?

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Cherry Cola

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
Kelly_R wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:11 pm
How did you find ACOT?
I'm  not new to ACOT.  I've  been shopping here for years.  I have not though participated on the message boards, challenges or posted much in my gallery.  The message boards are quit overwhelming.   It's  taken me days to navigate the set-up.  There are so many old posts.  I have to be conscientious to check the date of posts.

What technique would you like to learn?
Not any right now.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
Just one, but I have made several collage layouts with multiple photos.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Paper layouts only.  

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently?
've  been working on Christmas projects the past couple of months.   Right now I'm  working on a Spring/Summer album. 

Do you have your own scrap room?
Yes.  My 2nd bedroom is a dicated scraproom with tons of storage space plus a walk-in closet across the hall.  

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
No, but I would love to.  Cost so far has been a big factor.

What gives you the creeps?
Rude people and bullys.  I've had my fair share. 

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Neither.  I'm  retired  so I love not having to wake up to an alarm clock anymore.  I usually go to bed by 10pm or 11pm and get up around 9am.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
Oh, so many to count.  Depends on the atmosphere.   However, I generally like beer, wine, martinis and margaritas. 




Hi Kelly! Good to see you here. You will love all the challenges and everyone is so friendly!
Hi everyone!     My name is Susan and I love to scrapbook!

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Cherry Berry

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT??
I found it last year at NSD weekend!

What technique would you like to learn?
Not anything new really, but I wish I had more time to play with mixed media.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? Anywhere from 1-5

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Paper only

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I’m working on an aquarium layout

Do you have your own scrap room? I do, but it doubles as our guest room. I hardly ever scrap there because I scrap in the evenings while my family is watching TV together in the living room. I want to be with them so I have a little desk in the living room that I use most often.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? I do online challenges here, but I’ve never been to an in person crop. I live in Asia and no one really scrapbooks here.

What gives you the creeps?
Large spiders here in Taiwan

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Early bird

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
I don’t really have one of those, but I love coffee.
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT?? 
 I've been shopping ACOT for a few years. I think I found it through Google. However, I just recently found the message board! 
 What technique would you like to learn?

I'd like a class on layering. The how's, what's, and the when's.  How many photos do you usually place on a layout?

I typically do between 1-3 Are you into digital or paper layouts?

Paper! I've got to be able to feel it!  What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?

I just finished scraping a photo of my girls when our youngest was born.  Do you have your own scrap room?

I do! It's in our game room.  Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 

I've done some online classes but not necessarily a crop.  What gives you the creeps?

Snakes  Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?

I'm a mid-dayer... I'm at my best between 11am and 2pm. Outside of that, there's no guarantee what you'll get.  What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?

Crown and cranberry!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
GMFTS wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:32 pm
How did you find ACOT??
It’s been so long since I started shopping here but I am new to the boards.

What technique would you like to learn?

Nothing in particular.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?

Anywhere from 1 - 10+

Are you into digital or paper layouts?


What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?

Just finished a lo about my so. When he was a child.

Do you have your own scrap room?
Yes - and it’s a disaster!

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?

Both. Many times. I’m lucky to have a great circle of friends that scrap together and play together too.

What gives you the creeps?

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Night owl although early bird and night owl are kind of becoming irrelevant as I sleep late and go to bed earlier than I used to.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?

Lots of things from a margarita, to scotch to a nice red wine
Welcome to the message board, Meh!
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