Apple cider! We bought a half gallon the other day. I got one little glass and DD drank almost the rest of it in one day ROFL! I guess she'd pick apple cider too 

Happy Scrapping!

But my preference is the Starbucks Pumpkin Cream Coldbrew
But my preference is the Starbucks Pumpkin Cream Coldbrew
Follow me on Instagram! @scrappy.boymama

Follow me on Instagram! @scrappy.boymama

Apple Cider hot and mulled!

Pumpkin Spice Latte girl right here!!
Just call me Nan - it's short and sweet

apple cider
apple cider - hate pumpkin spice!
“The next best thing to the enjoyment of a good time, is the recollection of it.” — James Lendall Basford

Apple cider! One of the pumpkin patches does slushie apple cider drinks and I love them with my apple cider donut!!
