Who doesn't love a good movie, especially in those long days of summer. Your challenge here is to unscramble the names of these great movies. All movies here have one word titles. Some of them are very easy and some are a bit more difficult. Please
DO NOT put your answers in this thread. ALL answers should be sent to me by PM. Due date is Wednesday, May 10 at midnight, EST. Five winners with all 25 movie correctly unscrambled will win 100 Cherry Points each by random drawing. If no one has all 25 correct, I will move to the person with the highest numbers correct. If there are more then five, then I will go with earliest time stamps. Here we go....
1. taryvgi
2. mcersa
3. kylslfa
4. riffenalcgh
5. rfseteiatrr
6. tolaeultira
7. msyire
8. otipertlseg
9. olnilnc
10. barrthvaee
11. ergvoti
12. cacsafer
13. erdmiasm
14. aislne
15. odaglesolf
16. oflw
17. aenmetilcf
18. umjjian
19. fonrez
20. utaoerkb
21. onociantg
22. amtbna
23. blsacnaaac
24. ttoeemnna
25. ooatlpn
Have Fun
Last edited by aheatfan on Thu May 11, 2023 5:26 am, edited 3 times in total.