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Cherry Crush

Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
When I saw how easy this was, I knew it was on the dinner menu for this week. :)

Pre-packaged fresh ravioli (I bought Buitoni brand - 4-Cheese)
Washed, baby spinach (buy a bag, or cut it from your own garden, like I am!)
Jar of Pasta sauce (she used Vodka sauce, but you could also use marinara, or any other jar)
Jar of Pesto (or make it homemade, but that's a bunch more ingredients. ;) )
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook the ravioli according to package directions and drain. Layer ravioli in the bottom of casserole dish. Spread a layer of washed, dried spinach leaves over the ravioli.  Pour in the jar of pasta sauce, covering most of the spinach and edges.  Put in teaspoons full of pesto in a dotted layer across the dish. Cover with a layer of cheese.  Bake in the oven until cheese is melted, bubbly, and browning on the edges (probably about 20 minutes)  Let cool 5 minutes and serve!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
ooooooooooooo this sounds yummy  i will have to try it next week!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
I’d love it. My husband would up and have a heart attack if I served him spinach! And her recipes are usually very tasty!


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Cherry Crush

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
MTCanuk wrote:
Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:37 pm
I’d love it. My husband would up and have a heart attack if I served him spinach! And her recipes are usually very tasty!
LOL...my husband is the same way, but since I've been doing Hello Fresh meals, I have gotten him to be a bit more adventurous. ;)  He will eat whatever now, and if he really doesn't like it, he tells me and I take that recipe out of the kitchen. :)  I am thinking that spinach will be so covered in sauce and cheese, he won't notice, really!  lol  Might help to cut it up a bit, though...she put in the whole leaves, which could end up like a big mouthful.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
YUM!    I will give this a try!  TFS!
I'm currently experiencing life at the speed of 15 WTFs an hour.


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Cherry Picker

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
Sounds great! Sad though, I just realized I forgot to plant spinach in my garden, oops! Can't believe it has taken me this long to realize this.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
This sound delicious!  I love ravioli, especially the cheese.  This is a great casserole meal with some garlic toast!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
This sounds delicious! TFS!

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Cherry Bark

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
This sounds amazing!!!! TFS!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Crush

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
MerryScraps67 wrote:
Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:20 pm
Sounds great! Sad though, I just realized I forgot to plant spinach in my garden, oops! Can't believe it has taken me this long to realize this.
Oh no! Well, you can plant it in August/Sept. for a cold weather crop. I'm going to try and replant right before I go back to school, so I can have some again in the fall. :)
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Cherry Bark

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
MTCanuk wrote:
Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:37 pm
I’d love it. My husband would up and have a heart attack if I served him spinach! And her recipes are usually very tasty!

LOL!!! This was my DH too for the longest time. Until we got married. It was the way his mother cooked it (or cooked for that matter). First, it was never fresh. Canned or frozen. And two, she wouldn't add anything to it. No salt/pepper. No garlic. No nothing. Well, shoot, no wonder DH would never eat it. I wouldn't eat that! But he started coming around and eating the spinach the way his Aunt or I would make it. Now he will actually request spinach!!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
Oh this looks amazing!
Word of 2025 - APPRECIATE 
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Cherry Addict

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
Yum my mouth is watering!
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
This sounds yummy.


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Cherry Addict

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
I’m definitely going to give this a try. I’ll be adding the ingredients to my shopping list. My DH would love this but like others have said, he would pick out the spinach.
** Chris **

My blog: http://mommomandpoppop.blogspot.com/

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Wild Cherry

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
We have a recipe very similar to this and have made it at dd's house it is sooo good, and easy!  :greeninlove:

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
Spinach does not grow well in my garden, we eat mostly mustard greens these days, which grow very well. This recipe sounds good for 3 of us, so I will save it for when we are back to store-bought veggies, which will also mean the picky eater (who wouldn't touch spinach or pesto) will be at college. 

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Cherry Tart

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
Yummy! Thank you!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
This sounds DIVINE!!! DH & I would scarf this down...DD would not touch any of this with a ten-foot pole. Spinach?! Ravioli!? (I know, what kind of Italian is she!?) Oh well, more for me, haha!!!
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Pioneer Woman's 5-ingredient Ravioli Casserole
blbabe1234 wrote:
Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:22 pm
MTCanuk wrote:
Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:37 pm
I’d love it. My husband would up and have a heart attack if I served him spinach! And her recipes are usually very tasty!

LOL!!! This was my DH too for the longest time. Until we got married. It was the way his mother cooked it (or cooked for that matter). First, it was never fresh. Canned or frozen. And two, she wouldn't add anything to it. No salt/pepper. No garlic. No nothing. Well, shoot, no wonder DH would never eat it. I wouldn't eat that! But he started coming around and eating the spinach the way his Aunt or I would make it. Now he will actually request spinach!! 
Your husband sounds like me. There were SO many things I thought I "didn't like" just because of the way they were cooked or just sat there in a pile on the side of the plate that I love now: beans, brussel sprouts, spinach, lentils etc. 
Happy Scrapping!
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