Whoa! I did mine, but will wait to post. I don't think I follow directions very well! lol

Did not peek as you requested. Challenging especially given my photos. I connected the flowers and Alaska to Alaska's state flower.

I really enjoyed this one! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Kim Breaux

Such a fun challenge. Took me awhile, but I got it done.

Mary Love is all around you.

I think I did this right 

"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"

Got it done!! I posted it in the gallery and your board as well.

My take on this challenge. this is an 8x8 page so not a lot of room to add all the stuff, but I tried. And this was the closest thing to teal I had.

Retired, scrapping and happy!


Would you believe I searched my entire stash and could not find one piece of teal cardstock

Happy Scrapping!

I'm not understanding how to post photos, finally got it. it wasnt working from my phone. I had to go to my computer for it to work.
btt with winner in the OP!

Thank you so much, Laura. What an amazing prize. I'm so excited!!
Last edited by Linda L on Thu May 19, 2022 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thank you Brandy!
Late to the party. I did this for the NSD Rewind.
I really wanted to do this one during the crop, so happy to have the motivation to do it after.

I really wanted to do this one during the crop, so happy to have the motivation to do it after.


