I'll be here in the morning through late afternoon I'm in for games but I really need to get some more pictures printed so I don't know how many challenges I will be ready for.
Rhonda -- Scrappin' in Wisconsin
I am going to be gone most of the day, how long will this last? I wish I could join in.
I hope I can play some. My whole house is an obstacle course right now. DH and I were both down at the same time for a couple of days this week so I need to do some catching up. But if things work out hopefully I can do some challenges! Otherwise I'll try to play along with the games and do challenges later.
Sounds like a lot of fun!
Sounds like a lot of fun!
I’ll miss out this time. Volleyball and soccer weekend.
Melissa H.
I got my first layout loaded into the gallery!!
I'll be popping in an out. I still need to do a major over haul of organizing.