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Cherry Jubilee

carrie's mishaps *sprinkles* CLOSED
okkkkkkkkkk ladies....have you had any lil mishaps during nsd?  

so DH had me run to tractor supply a bit ago to get weedeater string.........i got back out to the car...and wondered why i had gotten some odd looks....looked in the visor mirror...my face is covered in lime green fine glitter....oooooops......yup i was glittering something before i left........

one would think that DH or DD wouldve told me i had glitter all over my face but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Cherry Crush

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
LOL!  I bet it looked pretty on you though!
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Bing

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
ha ha
glitter - the herpes of scrapbooking! 
Retired, scrapping and happy!
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Cherry Bing

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
That sucks.

My biggest mishap was trying to put a pitcher of lemonade in the plate cabinet. 🤦

It's ok, I scrapbook.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
On Friday I was furiously scrapping and just stacking boxes that I was using (where I house items by type) and it guess it was stacked crooked and all my inks fell over and I screamed out loud...scared the crap out of me!!
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
Not sure this would be a mishap but I scared the cat so bad that he ran and hid when my printer started printing out a game page for me. Felt bad for him. 

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Cherry Cola

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
My mishap was with the coffee maker, but that is a vital part of NSD! The little washer that holds the basket in place went awol. DH pieced it back together with a different smaller one from another appliance. Aye, Aye, Aye.

Otherwise, the usual, I wayyyy over ink the 'edges" of things until I cover up words and the like on my phrases lol
- Jillian

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
A doctor on tv was trying to describe the essence of Covid virus... he said imagine glitter, after working with it....
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
Life here is mishaps every day.  Haha!

But today has been pretty calm...nice weather and my window open, pool is pretty and waiting for warmer weather.

I put my favorite song on a loop for an hour...come and get your love by Redbone...!  Love that song. 

 My husband cleaned all the bathrooms!

Boys mowed.

And the only thing wrong is that this week is so busy with doctors, surgery and my second covid shot which I am scared of even my entire family had they and they had no symptoms...nothing, nada.  But mine will not be where I had the first one and where they all went.  So there's that.  And I have 39 layout challenges to do.  I have to recount that but I chose to be in every one I think.  I played too many games...haha!  I will just get as many done as I can and I do have next weekend too except for Mother's Day tea.  

Thank you to all who were our hosts this year.  I knew I could not volunteer with the health problems but I will next year.  I love this group.  There is never an unkind word from anyone.  Everyone helps you if you need help.  We have fun!!!!!  (until Daddy takes the T-Bird away)

Hugs and a good evening to all!
Debra R. 
Nana of 5, Mama of 2, Disney Addict

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Cherry Bing

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
I am wearing red ink all over my pinky, it looks like it’s bleeding!!

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Cherry Bomb

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
Ha, that's awesome! I bet your family is use to you have glitter and what other lovely scrappy supply they didn't really notice!
Nothing earth shattering for me, so far!
Oh, this is different - I finally finished a bottle of wine in three days! That's not usual!
Joyce Ann
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Cherry Cropper

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
sherriscraps wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 7:30 pm
ha ha
glitter - the herpes of scrapbooking! 
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Cherry Cropper

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
cbee wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 7:44 pm
A doctor on tv was trying to describe the essence of Covid virus... he said imagine glitter, after working with it....
I saw that too and thought OMG I know what that's like! 😆
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Cherry Blossom

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
Luckily no mishaps.
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karen c.

Cherry Bomb

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
My printer quit on me.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
My tape runner stopped running and got all tangled. That was only mishap. 

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Kayla S.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
sherriscraps wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 7:30 pm
ha ha
glitter - the herpes of scrapbooking! 

Haha 😂 truth!
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: carrie's mishaps *sprinkles*
My BF wouldn't have said anything either... too funny!
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