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Cherry Addict

Official Signups Ornament Swap 2020***CLOSED***
For the ornament swap You will send your gal an ornament and have it to her By December 1st. So they can enjoy it this year at Christmas.

Once you have signed up please PM me your Name and Address.

Also list the type of tree themes and ornaments you enjoy and how you decorate your tree. ( Also if there are certain themes you do not decorate with. )

If for Any reason you are unable to fulfill this commitment please let me know so we can be sure everyone receives their ornaments.

I will leave signups open until F” Saturday September 26 th. 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

If you have any questions please message me. Thanks


1. Susan / OceanBreeze123


3. Brandy  / Blhbabe1234

4. Rebecca / Monroe1219


6.  / Laura / Flasher Laura

7. Kimber\/  Shutterbug

8.aheatfan / Kristin
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Official Signups Ornament Swap 2020
Shutterbug wrote:
Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:25 am
For the ornament swap You will send your gal an ornament and have it to her By December 1st. So they can enjoy it this year at Christmas.

Once you have signed up please PM me your Name and Address.

Also list the type of tree themes and ornaments you enjoy and how you decorate your tree. ( Also if there are certain themes you do not decorate with. )

Here is the link

https://www.acherryontop.com/forum/view ... 3&t=268613#

If for Any reason you are unable to fulfill this commitment please let me know so we can be sure everyone receives their ornaments.

I will leave signups open until Friday September 26 th. 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

If you have any questions please message me. Thanks.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Official Signups Ornament Swap 2020
I am in!! Love this exchange!

My tree is very country, lots of handmade looking, outdoorsy looking, I think this may help.
I also do a snowman tree on alternate years. But I truly like most anything,

I am not in to vintage or very modern themes.

ImageSusan  Image   Image  Image
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Cherry Bark

Re: Official Signups Ornament Swap 2020
I'm in!

Love anything Texas related, or doggie/kitty related.

I don't like vintage
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

  ImageImage   Image Image
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Official Signups Ornament Swap 2020
Oh man this sounds wonderful - I would love to join in the fun!

I have a few trees up in the house; I mix them up so much so I could not say there is a theme here or there.  

Would love to have an ornament that relates back to my Swap Partner; something about their state, or them personally. If they have a gazillion kids and grands, or if they are baker, or if they are in their church choir, or if they dance.  I would like to have an ornament that is about them and have them initial and date it somewhere on the ornament.  

Love my virtual friends <3 <3 :) :)
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Official Signups Ornament Swap 2020
SIGN ME UP.... OH YA......................... VALERIE
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Official Signups Ornament Swap 2020
I'm in!

My tree doesn't really have a theme.  We collect ornaments when we travel, things that relate to what we might have done during the year... Anything goes really!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Official Signups Ornament Swap 2020
I'm in!

I have several trees, so it's impossible to go wrong with me.  My main tree is traditional -- all colors, all themes, etc.  I also have a pink tree (surprised?), a Rudolph tree, a bird tree, and a red and white peppermint tree.

My only dislike -- and it's more of a hatred . . . deeply rooted hatred . . . I detest snowmen.  Any snowmen, all snowmen.  Plain, character, themed, colored, glittered, sewn . . . hate them.  Please, for the love of Margaret, no snowmen.

As I say every year, when Frosty the Snowman is on TV, I root for the sun!

😬 😃
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Official Signups Ornament Swap 2020
Question....does it have to be handmade?  If not, I'm in :)  I have five trees - two of which are very family specific. My other three include Harry Potter, white and gold and just a regular Christmas themed so anything for those 3 would be perfect :) I'm not a big fan of western.
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
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Cherry Addict

Re: Official Signups Ornament Swap 2020
aheatfan wrote:
Sat Sep 26, 2020 10:29 am
Question....does it have to be handmade?  If not, I'm in :)  I have five trees - two of which are very family specific. My other three include Harry Potter, white and gold and just a regular Christmas themed so anything for those 3 would be perfect :) I'm not a big fan of western.
Kristin,  No it does NOT have to be hand made.  I am  happy you are joining us.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Official Signups Ornament Swap 2020***CLOSED***
At our ho use we have some of everything.  We do collect Nativities, Schnauzer Ornaments, Food Ornaments.  We love Anything Christmas.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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