Friday, May 1, 2020 through Saturday, May 9, 2020 8:00 PM EST
- Hallmark is still closed! I have a plan! This challenge is for a layout…maybe gone you could give as a gift to your Mama…or any special lady in your life! Or one for you to remember a Mother’s Day from the past or what you plan to celebrate this year! Gather your supplies: a sketch, papers, photos, embellishments and take a quick photo to post what you will work on this week. You can post here under this challenge. I wanted to give you plenty of time for this challenge so you can get a gift or two made.
- The bonus for this challenge is the card layout I will post here so you do not have to worry about scrounging around for a card for Mother’s Day. It is a simple but pretty card with your choice of sentiments that can be printed or handwritten. You can also use your own card design if you choose. My photos of my layout and card are below. Please post your finished layout and card, if you chose to do the bonus, by Saturday, May 9, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST. The winner of the layout will be awarded next Saturday and if you do the bonus you get an additional surprise! “The winner of this Challenge will receive PHOTOPLAY BEST MOM EVER COLLECTION PACK generously sponsored by PHOTOPLAY.” Everyone who finishes both will be sprinkled! Prizes will be awarded Saturday May 9, 2020.
My layout
Card sketch
My card