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Cherry Picker

looking for
Just hanging out waiting for challenge #3...I am on a roll tonight!
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Cherry Jubilee

looking for
Go you!
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Cherry Cropper

looking for
I keep refreshing for it too! hehehe
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Cherry Cola

looking for
Wanna come do mine??? I seem to be a little stuck ;-)
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Cherry Picker

looking for
Sure Cyndi, do you have room for the kids too!
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Cherry Bing

looking for
Jill should be posting soon...sorry for the delay!  It's coming...and it's fun one (nice and messy)
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Cherry Jubilee

looking for
Wait??  We're supposed to scrap??????  No challenges for me tonight...hopefully tomorrow.Jenna
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Cherry Blossom

looking for
I just couldn't get my mind around the ACT...
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Cherry Addict

looking for
I'm going to hang out and unwind from work for a bit then I'm going to go get started on some!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

looking for
me too. I did one, but not two and looking for three
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Picker

looking for
It is going to be a good one because it is taking so long. Like a Fine Wine Good things take time 
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Cherry Cola

looking for
Sure Karen!!  They can sleep in my bedroom...since I probably wont' be using it this weekend **laughing** 
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Sweet Cherry Pie

looking for
Am I missing Challenge #3, or has it not been posted yet??
...a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest
act of caring, ALL... have the potential to turn a life around.-Leo Buscaglia
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Cherry Berry

looking for
I'm waiting for it too! 
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