This is my final challenge for today.
Please do the following sketch from May 2019!

1 submission per person
Due by Wednesday May 8th at 12:00pm EST
Bonus entry for using mixed media
No combining challenges
Winner gets 500 points
All entries get sprinkles!
Entries: (WOW SO MANY!)
1. lewisbaby
2. lewisbaby bonus
3. Lizzi97
4. Art_Teacher
5. blfonty
6. JAire
7. Jan G.
8. Jan G. bonus
9. karen c.
10. karen c. bonus
11. hsblair
12. love2stamp
13. lissahope26
14. shoorn
15. shoorn bonus
16. cat1393
17. MTCanuk
18. Sandi0805
19. Linda S.
20. keatonsgtgram
21. stateless
22. Retiree3
And the winner is #16.... cat1393!!!!! Congratulations!!