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Cherry Jubilee

june 25 Qotd
which of your monthly bills do you despise paying the most?

I do NOT like paying the water bill.....we had a well for 20 years prior to living here.....ugh  don't like paying for my water...and  the garbage on the same bill...which is actually a good perk but I just drag my heels on it every  month...LOL
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: june 25 Qotd
Cable (including Internet) and cell phone, because they are both so much money and feel like necessities of life these days. 

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: june 25 Qotd
It is a toss between internet and electric. They are both too expensive in my opinion, but necessary!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: june 25 Qotd
The Electric Bill because it changes with the heat or a/c!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: june 25 Qotd
trainmom wrote:Cable (including Internet) and cell phone, because they are both so much money and feel like necessities of life these days. 

not my favs either....two of our biggest bills but they are both auto pay so I pretend they don't exist...LOL
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: june 25 Qotd
Deanna13 wrote:The Electric Bill because it changes with the heat or a/c!

we have gas heat......but I am a electricity Nazi due to summer costs....It would be a perfect world if your lights could only be turned on at night....LOL
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Cherry Cropper

Re: june 25 Qotd
Electric, because we get 3 separate bills! One for our house, one for the barn/shop (it was here first), and one for DH's work yard.... just tedious to have so many extra ...

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Cherry Cropper

Re: june 25 Qotd
Cell phone bill - just so expensive.  We don't have a land line any more, so it's  a "necessity" to have cell phones.
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: june 25 Qotd
Electric for me as well especially in the winter.  
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Cherry Crush

Re: june 25 Qotd
The Cable bill -- especially since Spectrum required us to switch to digital cable.  Not only did the monthly service bill go up, we also have to "lease" those stupid set top boxes for EACH television in the house, which added another $39.00 a month to the bill.  And we are NOT big television watchers. 
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: june 25 Qotd
Water... Image
For our fairly conservative family of 4, our water bill is $200+.  The town I live in has the highest water costs in the state of Missouri.  It is hotly contested, and a source of frustration for everyone.
We joke that it must have been blessed by the Pope.
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Cherry Crush

Re: june 25 Qotd
Have to go with cable...Spectrum is a giant pain in the rear, but the only option we have here. :(  We do watch tv a good bit, and must have channels to watch our Buckeye football, so we pay out the nose.  It's such a scam!  I wish we could choose our channels. With one package you can get local affiliates and none of the sports.  Or you can get tons of the sports and entertainment channels and not the local affiliates.  Jerks!  They know how to keep us paying. ;)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: june 25 Qotd
MacSarah wrote:Water... Image
For our fairly conservative family of 4, our water bill is $200+.  The town I live in has the highest water costs in the state of Missouri.  It is hotly contested, and a source of frustration for everyone.
We joke that it must have been blessed by the Pope.

oh good gravy!!!!!  I shouldn't complain about combined water/garbage bill is usually around $97 a month for our family and I feel like I use quite a bit....(laundry, dishwasher etc)
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Cherry Addict

Re: june 25 Qotd
hate the mortgage because its the highest!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: june 25 Qotd
trainmom wrote:Cable (including Internet) and cell phone, because they are both so much money and feel like necessities of life these days. I 
I hate paying these every month!
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Cherry Delight

Re: june 25 Qotd
the stupid newspaper.  It had gotten up to $88,.00 for  every 5 weeks.  And they do not put it at the front door either.  Out on the foot of the driveway so I had to in all weather go outside and down the walk to retrieve it.  And often it was damp or wet.   Finally it annoyed me so much that even though I love my newspaper and its puzzles I cancelled it.     Now they call me on the phone at least 2-3 times a week to try and get me to re-subscribe at a really low rate which of course after 12 months will again go back up and up and up.  
the rest of the bills for utilities I have taken out automatically and try not to think of how much some of them are cause we need that stuff, but the newspaper . . . . . . . . . . .  just saying!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: june 25 Qotd
My sister threw a hissy fit at her cell phone company with one of their family plans.  She said she lives alone, but should be permitted family.  So after a long argument they allowed her two additional people.  She put my son and me an her lines, and won't let us share the bill, she said she won, etc,etc.  Lol .so I don't have this anymore, but do give her money in a round about way (stuff for her pool, or if I know she wants something).
i guess mine was the rent on my condo which was over $1000 a month, and it was like throwing money away.  Now since I moved in with my sister, I feel like owning part of the home makes it go back into my own pocket.
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Wild Cherry

Re: june 25 Qotd
ooooh i know this is really bad to even have but I hate my credit card bill!!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: june 25 Qotd
mortgage - I will be paying until I am 92 years old.
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Cherry Addict

Re: june 25 Qotd
My PECO (electric) bill - another reason my favorite seasons are Spring and Autumn since we don't have to run the air conditioner or heater.
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