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Cherry Jubilee

june 24 Qotd
are you a menu planner or an on the fly type?
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Cherry Cropper

Re: june 24 Qotd
On the fly type ... I try here and there to plan out a menu, but get busy or my DH's work changes. If he's not home, sometimes I dont cook a "real meal", just a frozen pizza, etc.

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karen c.

Cherry Bomb

Re: june 24 Qotd
A planner for sure!  
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: june 24 Qotd
definitely on the fly - which would explain why we have nachos far too often

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Cherry Crush

Re: june 24 Qotd
I used to be on the fly, and sometimes, during the school year, I still am.  But, I have found we waste far less food if I actually plan.  I got tired of throwing away veggies that spoiled because I bought and forgot about them. I have my menus written down when I go to the grocery, so I can only buy what I need and it will get used.  Problem with a 2-person household, I guess!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: june 24 Qotd
On the fly.  Always have lots in my pantry and freezer.  It doesn’t usually take long to figure something out.


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Cherry Addict

Re: june 24 Qotd
Since being on Weight Watchers - definitely a planner.
** Chris **

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Cherry Crush

Re: june 24 Qotd
More of a planner.  There are times when it's an "on the fly" night, but most times, everything's planned out.
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Cropper

Re: june 24 Qotd
My husband is the chef of the family. He is definitely a planner. He cooks for the week on Sundays and then I am the sous chef throughout the week, putting the meals together. I can basically pick which thing to make on whichever day, but he's got the meals all planned out even when he goes food shopping. I hit the jackpot, eh? ImageImageImage
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: june 24 Qotd
On the fly type.
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Cherry Addict

Re: june 24 Qotd
scrappinmom99 wrote:My husband is the chef of the family. He is definitely a planner. He cooks for the week on Sundays and then I am the sous chef throughout the week, putting the meals together. I can basically pick which thing to make on whichever day, but he's got the meals all planned out even when he goes food shopping. I hit the jackpot, eh? ImageImageImage
Wow - you sure did!!
** Chris **

My blog:

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: june 24 Qotd
On the fly. 

We TRY to make Wednesday night Spaghetti Night though.  Prince Spaghetti had a commercial to that effect when I was young (60's).  We've modified it to Wednesday night is Italian Night - gives us more variety.
Karen in SC
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: june 24 Qotd
I used to do a new recipe every week but lately, it's whatever we feel like.  I have a store close so its easy to run and pick stuff up.  I love when my schedule allows for planning :)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: june 24 Qotd
Have a tendency not to plan meals around here either
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Cherry Berry

Re: june 24 Qotd
I guess a little of both. We will buy food for the week and if I don't have it in the crockpot (my best friend) then some days I'll just come home and throw things together. I try to do new recipes but DH is a picky eater so I'm kinda limited
(Kristi) When life gives you scraps, make something with them.  ~Author Unknown
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Cherry Cropper

Re: june 24 Qotd
emmapaige wrote:
scrappinmom99 wrote:My husband is the chef of the family. He is definitely a planner. He cooks for the week on Sundays and then I am the sous chef throughout the week, putting the meals together. I can basically pick which thing to make on whichever day, but he's got the meals all planned out even when he goes food shopping. I hit the jackpot, eh? ImageImageImage

Wow - you sure did!!
Except when we end up in the ER lol. (He's pretty much fully healed by now - whew!)
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: june 24 Qotd
karensay wrote:On the fly. 

We TRY to make Wednesday night Spaghetti Night though.  Prince Spaghetti had a commercial to that effect when I was young (60's).  We've modified it to Wednesday night is Italian Night - gives us more variety.
ANTHONY!!! Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti Day!!! ImageImageImage
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Delight

Re: june 24 Qotd
Menu planner when I worked and had a houseful of kids at home.  On the fly now that I am old and retired and seldom anyone here to eat but me.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: june 24 Qotd
To be honest, I actually go back and forth. It depends on the week.
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Berta R.

Cherry Bing

Re: june 24 Qotd
Use to plan a menu and shopping list. Now that the kids are all grown and DH and I are retired its on the fly.
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