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Cherry Jubilee

New Ladies who joined us today
Thank you very much, we hope we made you feel at home.  Please continue to join us in our chatter and our monthly challenges, and we want to dub you official cherries (what we call ourselves)
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Cherry Blossom

Re: New Ladies who joined us today
Thanks.  I would like to stick around. I had fun today.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: New Ladies who joined us today
Me too...this is one of th3 best online crops I done.  Especially this morning during the letter game where nobody could keep up!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: New Ladies who joined us today
Me too...this is one of th3 best online crops I done.  Especially this morning during the letter game where nobody could keep up!
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Cherry Tart

Re: New Ladies who joined us today
Thanks.  It was fun today.  Wish I would have got on this morning.  Have a good night everyone!
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