Amazes me how well your furbabies seem to pose for you. Mine look away from me when I point the camera. Jackson is beautiful!
I still say he is the most photogenic cat ever. He really should be in commercials!!
Thank you Debbie! I think its because I use my phone instead of a camera, and my phone, I turned off the "click" noise that it makes when you do take a picture and with the furbabies, I turn off the flash.debamas wrote:Amazes me how well your furbabies seem to pose for you. Mine look away from me when I point the camera. Jackson is beautiful!

Look at him posing! Is he that much of a ham in real life?
Yes he is!1scrappymom wrote:Look at him posing! Is he that much of a ham in real life?


He really does! And he's 10 months old now! July 3rd he'll be ONE YEAR OLD!sdwhru wrote:Awwww......he looks so grown up in the picture! He's not a lil boy anymore


Thank you!Jaditelady173 wrote:Cute cat. HOW DO you add a picture in your post?
Right click on your photo (it has to be either uploaded to the ACOT gallery or somewhere on the Internet) and select "Copy Image" and then "paste" it inside your post.

thanks for the picture taking tip. I think my flash has scared them.
Brandy, that is an adorable photo.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
How did you get him to stay in the tree while you were there? The moment I shift my weight, everyone around me (animal or human) moves.
It's ok, I scrapbook.
It's ok, I scrapbook.