Since I'm new I have a few questions.
For NSD and any challenges...where do we upload our layouts or projects?
Are we supposed to do it in a response on the Feed?
If so how do we insert our photo in our reply?
When we upload our submission for challenges do we need to annotate which challenge it is For?
I know this questions might be redundant to the regulars, but I wanted to post a picture of my cat on Jackson's thread, but I couldn't figure out or find an icon to do that. So I thought a little basic information mighto be helpful before NSD.
Appreciate anyone's help....Mary
Hi Mary!!! First of all, WELCOME to ACOT! So glad you have found us!! You are going to have sooooooooo much fun here!!
For NSD and any challenges...where do we upload our layouts or projects? Upload via ACOT Gallery. Hover under the "Get social" and select "Gallery" at the top of the site
Are we supposed to do it in a response on the Feed? Yes
If so how do we insert our photo in our reply? Right click on your photo (it has to be uploaded to the ACOT gallery) and select "Copy Image" and then "paste" it inside your post. To paste, right click inside the post and select "paste". I use FIREFOX for my browser, so if you use a different one, just let us know and somebody will help you.
When we upload our submission for challenges do we need to annotate which challenge it is For?You don't always have to, but it helps. There is a "comment" section in the gallery when you upload a photo/project.
For NSD and any challenges...where do we upload our layouts or projects? Upload via ACOT Gallery. Hover under the "Get social" and select "Gallery" at the top of the site
Are we supposed to do it in a response on the Feed? Yes
If so how do we insert our photo in our reply? Right click on your photo (it has to be uploaded to the ACOT gallery) and select "Copy Image" and then "paste" it inside your post. To paste, right click inside the post and select "paste". I use FIREFOX for my browser, so if you use a different one, just let us know and somebody will help you.
When we upload our submission for challenges do we need to annotate which challenge it is For?You don't always have to, but it helps. There is a "comment" section in the gallery when you upload a photo/project.

One more addition to what Brandy mentioned above, there will be a special Gallery for NSD. When you click on Submit to Gallery, there is a section called "Contests & Challenges". Please click on the box next to NSD 2017 Celebration Gallery.
I upload the photos of my layouts to the Message Board threads a little differently than Brandy, so if you have any problems, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. One or more of the hostesses will be on-line at all times.
And welcome to ACOT Mary!!
I upload the photos of my layouts to the Message Board threads a little differently than Brandy, so if you have any problems, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. One or more of the hostesses will be on-line at all times.
And welcome to ACOT Mary!!
Thank you. I just uploaded 1 layout to the gallery. I am going to test it by trying to post it on this thread to see if I do it right.
Crap! I'm using my Samsung tabletc no right click button. That's why I look for a button to add attachment.
I haven't been able to figure out how to post my layout to the thread using my iPhone or iPad either. Maybe someone else will be able to help.
But on a positive note, I see your lovely layout in the gallery!! 

Thanks for the compliment. This layout was difficult to do because of all the wild colors in the pictures. I'm going to post some more pictures of this wedding album on here. I tried to set it up in order of the events happening.
I'm hoping someone can help you. I can post using my desktop computer; but I can't post from my phone.Jaditelady173 wrote:Crap! I'm using my Samsung tabletc no right click button. That's why I look for a button to add attachment.

Well my tablet takes the best pictures for uploading. I use it more than my laptop these days. I might have to plug in my laptop in order to use that right click button. But then I'll need to recharge my camera, take pictures with it, upload them to my laptop....just to be able to post them in the forum part. I'm hoping someone can tell us how to do it from tablet. Or we can just post them in the gallery under THE NSD challenge portion. I might just stick to submitting the monthly challenge since I don't need to post on a thread for them.
I take photos with my iPhone or iPad and then post them using my desktop computer. Does that make sense?
KAREN I can upload to the gallery because there is a submit button. BUT I cannot load it into my posts because there is no button to add attachment. AND this is from my tablet, so I don't have a right click button to cut and paste like a computer can.
Can you tap on the picture, open in a new window, then copy the address in the bar, copy and use that?
It's ok, I scrapbook.
It's ok, I scrapbook.
So glad you asked the questions. Made me realize I did not know what to do. Here is my Practice layout I added to the gallery. (from my laptop).

sdwhru wrote:Love your layout. I can't help with the upload function as I use my laptop/desktop only to load items into the gallery and post to the board.
Thanks. New to the forum but have been scrapping 4ever. lol
Welcome to ACOT! I take pics with my phone, then upload them to the gallery. Then, I have to go to my laptop and log onto ACOT (well, I stay logged in on both devices) and copy/paste the photos to the threads.
I believe most if not all the monthly challenges do require that you upload to the threads. If you let any hostess know you're having trouble, I'm sure they will put it in the thread for you. As for NSD challenges, check the rules of the challenges....
Good luck and hope you have fun!
I believe most if not all the monthly challenges do require that you upload to the threads. If you let any hostess know you're having trouble, I'm sure they will put it in the thread for you. As for NSD challenges, check the rules of the challenges....
Good luck and hope you have fun!

Here's a link for the NSD challenge rules: ... ions-17841
Looks like you'll be fine to put your photo of your project in the gallery without having to worry about posting it to the thread. But to be safe, I'd make sure to post to the thread and make sure the hostess knows you entered it in the gallery. ... ions-17841
Looks like you'll be fine to put your photo of your project in the gallery without having to worry about posting it to the thread. But to be safe, I'd make sure to post to the thread and make sure the hostess knows you entered it in the gallery.

I have my phone and tablets set up to upload to my Google Drive Photos. Then I can download the pictures to my computer to upload for challenges. Just a thought. After the layout is uploaded to the gallery, have your tried to copy and paste? Because you just need the image. Do not work on a tablet so I am not sure how that works. Hopefully, you get it worked out. Adding to challenges is so much fun.I found ACOT 4 years ago on NSD, so glad you found us too:)

An expert at anything was once a beginner!