I'm so happy to be hosting and so happy that everybody is into our challenges! It's going to be a great time!!

Happy Scrapping!

Was honoured to be chosen, having so much fun thinking things thru and sprinkling. Can't wait to see what else everyone is up to Saturday !

What a lovely bunch of Cherries! Looking forward to see what you have planned!
OCD is not an adjective. It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized. It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions.
I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son.

Thanks for hosting what is always a fun day!
Rhonda -- Scrappin' in Wisconsin

Thank you to all you Hostesses! I have been having a blast already and can't wait for Saturday.
Thank you to all of our iNSD Hostesses! I know we are in for a fun-filled day and week.
blfonty a.k.a. Bonnie

I'm so excited to be a hostess this year!!! Looking forward to all the FUN we're going to continue to have throughout the week!

Thank you to all of you for your excitement and all your sweet kind words!!! I am very honored to have been chosen this year! We are going to have soooo much fun!!!
wow can you imagine our gallery from now until the next week!!! We have soooo much imagination and awesome creativity here on a monthly basis and now we will add more!!! Whooo hoo we will blow it up! (Hopefully not really Brandon! )
thanks to all the other hostesses who I I know have been working like crazy behind the scenes and to ACOT for supporting this wonderful event!!!

thanks to all the other hostesses who I I know have been working like crazy behind the scenes and to ACOT for supporting this wonderful event!!!

I'm so excited. Thank you all for choosing to host on Saturday.
It's ok, I scrapbook.
It's ok, I scrapbook.
Hi Everyone. I am looking forward to Saturdays fun and games.

Hi gals, congratulations!!! I'm so happy I have all day tomorrow with such a talented group!!! WOO HOO!!!
Hi, looking forward to seeing what you have lined for tomorrow! Thanks for hosting!
