I found this one on Google and thought there were lots of interesting things to inspire you from planes to ships to bikes, globes and passports, luggage, resorts, waterparks, and my fav......THE BEACH! Maybe you don't have Travel photos, then go with something relaxing like the person in the beach chair. Just go with whatever way this inspires you! There are no wrong things!! You must also include sequins and/or enamel dots.

Please list how this inspires you and include the sequins and/or enamel dots.

September Travel Mood Board

Here's an example of mine...
Photos of DH and I arriving at the island of Antigua on our Spring 2015 Cruise.

Arriving at Antigua

For the fine print....
This can be a paper or digital layout, pocket page, or card. All work must be new. You may do this multiple times. You may combine with one other challenge that allows that. Please link your work here. Deadline is October 9th since we'll be gone through then. A random winner will be selected for a $5 ACOT gift card from me! If there are more than 20 participants I will draw a second name for a RAK too.

Looking forward to seeing your creations!

Cherries Participating:

1. Susan (shoorn)
2. Heather (scrappininAK)
3. Heather (scrappininAK)
4. Donna (Retiree3)
5. Kathy (Yankeegirl)
6. Carrie (CarrieG)
7. Melissa (Scrap Bug)
8. Berta (Berta R.)
9. Stacy (StacyLee)
10. Brandy (blbabe1234)
11. Tammey (Tammey)
12. Donna (Retiree3)
13. Joannie (joannie)
14. (ajmaluck)
15. Jan (jan509)
16. Jan (jan509)
17. Jan (jan509)
18. Susan (suewho372)
19. Karen (keatonsgtgram)
20. Kristi (KrazSparkle)
Time for my September Mood Board Winners!

The winners drawn according to Random.org are...
Winner of the #5 ACOT Gift Card -
9. Stacy (StacyLee)

(I'll be buying it soon.)
Congrats Stacy!!
Thanks so much to all that participated this month, ladies!!!

Winner of the RAK is...
7. Melissa (Scrap Bug)

Congrats Melissa!
Please pm me your name and addy and I'll get your RAK out soon.