Time Flies! And, if you're anything like me, you never have enough time to do all the monthly challenges that you want to do!
The Rewind Challenge is another chance to do any challenge from the month before that you missed or you just want to re-do!
Here are the rules:
1) Do any challenge from the previous month-- July, 2016; and here's a link to July's Master List:
Must be a new project which follows that challenge's rules.
2) Post your layout, card, or other project here (Please post a photo from the gallery, link it if you want), and tell me which challenge you are Rewinding.
3) Traditional, digital, and hybrid are all welcome.
4) Multiple entries are allowed, and in the spirit of trying to catch up on our layouts, there will be NO LIMIT ON ENTRIES. (one entry per project, unless your SL me, see #5)
5) If you scraplift me, show my layout with yours in this thread, and you'll get an extra entry.
6) May combine with one other August 2016 MB challenge that allows you to combine, and please list it here.
7) Participants will be listed in order that you post here, and a winner will be chosen from random.org for a $5 ACOT gift card.
8) Due midnight, CST, on August 31, 2016.
If you have any questions, just ask!
List of participants:
1. Susan/shoorn
2. Deanna13
3. jlmr
4. CarrieG
5. Tammey
6. Tammey (SL me)
7. Heather/scrappininAK
8. Bonnie/blfonty
9. Karen/keatonsgtgram
10. Deanna13
11. 57Diana
12. Anne-Marie/scrappinmom99
13. Anne-Marie/scrappinmom99
14. Donna/Retiree3
15. Deanna13
16. Sandi0805
17. Sandi.805
18. Susan/oceanbreezes423
Thanks for all the entries, Cherries! I had 18 entries, and went to random.org to choose a winner of the $5 ACOT gift certificate, and the winner is ..............
Congrats, Susan, and I'll get that g.c. out to you soon!
Hope you all can play again with the Rewind for September!