Ours here were $4.00.
Teresa --"When the power of love is greater than the love of power,
the world will know peace."
http://www.acherryontop.com/i/thumbnail ... linkie.gif
the world will know peace."
http://www.acherryontop.com/i/thumbnail ... linkie.gif
Our newspaper ran an article stating that cookie sales were going to start at the grocery stores and that they were $4.00 per box. The way the article was written, I thought it was a standard price everywhere--guess not!
I've been so good, but now I want a box of GS cookies. Dang. I'd even pay $5...they sound that good.
California seems always higher for everything gas, housing........now even the girl scouts are out to make an extra buck! Oh, well!!! The thing that get me is different groups in the same area charging different rates!!!!
I bought some from my niece here in MA at $3.50 and some from a friend in CT at $4. They were made by two different bakers and the ones with the "original" names (Tagalongs, Samoas, etc) were the more expensive ones.
i want to say i heard they were $3.75 hear, i was a good girl and didn't buy any though this year...really kicking myself now though lol
Our district advisor in our office, bought a case of Thin Mints and he is selling them to us in the office for $3.00 a box! I remember when I was a girl scout and they were like $1.25 or $1.50 a box. Wow!! Inflation!!
3.50 in our neck of the woods. but I think it differs. Got to remember they are raising money.
Helen - I define my life by the number of hours I can spend scrapbooking a week.
i paid $4 but ordered from out of state. didn't see any girl scouts around this year like i usually do. i remember when i sold them they were either $1.50 or $2.00 a box. that was some years ago!!!
Lol, I just realized my thread said Girl Cout Cookies!!! - Changed it. Did anyone notice?
I dont know here. Im going to buy some tomorow
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