I am waiting on 3 sets. I have heard from 2 of you but lesmitch has been very quiet. Hoping she has been busy with her tags. If I do not receive hers I will return the extra set to each of you.

lmcgill wrote:lmcgill
I got yours yesterday! Thank you for the extra tags. They are so pretty.I will do it again this year. I loved the tags I received last year!

Hi girls. I do not have tags from Jan as of today. I can wait a couple more days or go ahead and send out the ones I have. They are all amazing!!! Let me know what you want me to do.

Have you had contact from Jan?

An expert at anything was once a beginner!
If you have not heard from her maybe you should PM her & let her know you will send them out if you do not hear from her ASAP. I don't mean to be harsh, but I'm dying to see see what everyone has created!
By the way, hope you had a great time on your cruise. Glad you're home safe & sound.
By the way, hope you had a great time on your cruise. Glad you're home safe & sound.
Just a thought!!! If the last person doesn't show up, instead of sending me my extra one back, just give everyone one extra on another. I made several extra for myself of my design, so I would rather have an extra from one of the other folks. Anyone else have a thought on this?

An expert at anything was once a beginner!
I just checked, and Jan has been around on 11/23 and 11/24. I would PM her. I hate to think that she mailed them and they were lost in the mail.
Karen in SC
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
by 57Diana » Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:54 pm Just a thought!!! If the last person doesn't show up, instead of sending me my extra one back, just give everyone one extra on another. I made several extra for myself of my design, so I would rather have an extra from one of the other folks. Anyone else have a thought on this?
57DianaCherry Picker Posts: 503Layouts: 151Location: Northeastern Ohio

57DianaCherry Picker Posts: 503Layouts: 151Location: Northeastern Ohio
- I think that's a great idea!
- TMS58 AKA: T Scoville
I have all the tags ready to,go. Thy are divided and addressed. I can put one of the extra ones in each envelope but I can not remember who sent what so you may get your own tag back. I will try to remember but with 28 different sets that will be hard. My brain is still on vacation. lOL! I am very tired from my trip and I keep forgetting stuff. I came home to all sorts of problems. No water in our house,cell phone not working,cc took out double payments ,I can't get my photos uploaded to either of our computers since we upgraded to windows 10 and lots of other little problems. I do not do well under stress and had a bit of a break down yesterday.Seriously I was only gone for 9 days!
I heard from her before i left.I sent her a PM early this morning.
I heard from her before i left.I sent her a PM early this morning.

Hey, take a me day!!! Just rest. The rest will fall into place. We still have plenty of time. Thanks for all you do. I can't wait to see the tags. It's the holiday weekend. Enjoy, rest, and get a few of the problems taken care of. Then mail the tags on Monday!!!! Still have plenty of time:) Thanks everyone!!!!

An expert at anything was once a beginner!
Really, enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, worry about the tags after you relax for a bit.
Karen in SC
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
Yes! Take a deep breath, get done what needs to be done for you & enjoy Thanksgiving Weekend.
Thank you for doing this. I am grateful for it.
Thank you for doing this. I am grateful for it.
Thank you all! Jan sent me a pm and she said hers were mailed last week. I should be getting them soon. You all will be so happy with the tags. I have been participating in this for many years and these are the best ever!
have a happy Thanksgiving!
have a happy Thanksgiving!

Great!!! Glad she was able to join us:)

An expert at anything was once a beginner!
Fabulous! Glad everything is fine with her. Really, really, really looking forward to receiving everyones creativity.
Happy Thanksgiving
T Scoville
Happy Thanksgiving
T Scoville
Jan your tags arrived today!! Love all the detail. I will have them in the mail on Monday!!!

Fabulous!!! Glad you got things finished, Jan!!!

An expert at anything was once a beginner!
Ooh. I had forgotten all about doing this until today. Saw it on one of my to-do lists when cleaning my scrap table. I can hardly wait to see them all.

They all went postal today!!! I can not wait for you all to get them. They are amazing!!

Whoo Hoo!!! So looking forward to getting some happy mail! Thank you for all you have done. Hope your life is running smoothly.