LAST ONE! Ok here's a memory game!! I'm going to post 4 products from the shoppe for FIVE minutes--study them hard!! Then I will deleted them from the original post and ask several questions--post your answers here and correct entries will be eligible for 50 points!! WINNER! Val1024 1. Name three words from the b/w stamp.2. What season would you use the stickers?3. What were the Jolee stickers?4. What color are the flowers?
1. Dream Big Cherry on top2. Christmas3. Hockey skates4. Orange
Tammy from Minnesota
1. Name three words from the b/w stamp. dream big birthday2. What season would you use the stickers? christmas - winter3. What were the Jolee stickers? ice skates4. What color are the flowers? orange??
1. Big, Family, Girl?2. Christmas?3. sneakers?4. orange?
Mommy to Grace&~Hope~
Mommy to Grace&~Hope~
1. Happily after everover the hilldream big 2. Christham 3. big boots Winter? 4. rain drops - orangish yellow

1. Name three words from the b/w stamp. thank you2. What season would you use the stickers? Christmas3. What were the Jolee stickers? ice skates4. What color are the flowers? orange