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Cherry Cropper

10 points to Gryffindor
I've always wanted to have a reason to say that LOL!!! Post here (for points, Ob-viously) if you are a Harry Potter fan!!  I am more of a Slytherin fan myself (because of my Severus), even though in my usual ACOT avatar, I do wear a Gryffindor scarf. Oh, who am I kidding...I just love all of it!

Post a favorite quote or memory you have about Harry Potter.  I suppose I could list several things:
  • Before DS was born, I worked at Doubleday Book Club and I remember when the Harry Potter manuscript came through to see if we wanted to carry it in the clubs. All of us "Kids" (the assistants, not the editor) LOVED it and had a hard time convincing "the grownups" that it would be a big seller. HAHAHAHA!!!  We have a first edition hardcover in the Y2K time capsule we created to be opened on DS's 21st b-day in 2020. It sounded so far away...not so much anymore!
  • 2nd favorite memory - starting to read the books to DS when he was in 3rd or 4th grade. By the time we got to Order of the Phoenix he was able to read it on his own so we each read it on our own, book club style and discusses. Which was good because nobody wants their mom reading to them about all that snogging LOL!!
  • Going to see the Harry Potter exhibit 2x at the Discovery Center in Times Square. I will have to upload a souvenir photo we took. It was my 40th b-day and that's what I wanted to do. Geek girls rule!! Lots of pics to scrap from that!
  • OOH!! and while this is not technically HP-related, DH did get us FRONT ROW seats to see Alan Rickman on Broadway when he was in the play Seminar. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I just love Alan Rickman and DH knows it ROFL!!!
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
By the time Half-Blood Prince was about to hit the theaters, I got my son thoroughly hooked on Harry. He'd seen the first five films back to back, and I had free tickets to the sixth one. He thought I was so mean, because I made him read my copy of the book before we went. After it was over, and we were walking out, he said, "I'm glad I read the book first. The movie left a lot out." Which it did. The movie left out my personal favorite part, where Dumbledore himself comes to retrieve Harry for school and had some choice words for the Dursleys. :D
I'm glad I don't have to hunt for my food. I don't even know where sandwiches live.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Harry Potter books and movies. I didn't start reading them until the first 4 were out--they were given to my son when he was in kindergarten, and I got hooked on them. My favorite HP-related memory is recently going to Universal Studios and seeing Harry Potter world. It's amazing!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
I haven't read any of the books and have only seen 1 movie.  My dh and I went to Universal Studios last year.  Harry Potter world was kinda cool (so many people couldn't stir them with a stick even though the rest of the park wasn't crowded).  We loved the Dragon Challenge ride (rode that several times).  We did go ride the "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey" ride.  Oh, my gosh.  It was intense.  Once was enough for me.  After we got through and was coming out of the attraction, there was a guy in his 40's/50's that was hurling into a trash can (sorry for the grossness).  
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Cherry Cola

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
I have not read the books but have seen all of the movies. I love them. I have a quote from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone that I love, Dumbledore: It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.
   Image Image Image Image Image

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
I love Harry Potter, we used to listen to it on tape in the car when my boys were little. The youngest one couldn't read very well yet, so we listened to them.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
Adore these books! My favorite memories involve going to midnight release parties for them. I particularly remember book 6 because the store had fire eaters in the streets and live owls and a hagrid look alike inside. So much fun and then I got to read the book too!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
That sounds like fun! I took Jory to the "Grand Hallows Ball" at our bookstore when Deathly Hallows was released in hardcover. He had a BALL!!! It came at just the right time, because he needed some fun that week, so we went. :) He dressed up like Harry Potter, and played all the games. We split a Rice Krispies treat, and just had a fun mother-son evening.
I'm glad I don't have to hunt for my food. I don't even know where sandwiches live.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
My youngest daughter grew up with the Harry Potter books.  I first saw JK Rowling do an interview the summer she turned 9.  It sounded like a book she would like and boy, was I right!!!  Once we were on the road traveling home and we had to stop at a book store so she could get the latest novel.  We never heard from her the rest of the trip.  She has read and reread these books.  She turns 25 this summer. 


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Christi S.

Cherry Bing

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
I love that the author has created a totally different world - it's so inventive.  Also, I love some of the words:  muggles, every flavor beans, platform 9 3/4 (I think that's the one).

so fun!


Totals for 2016
     Layouts 33
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Totals for 2015
     Layouts 299, Cards 331, Mini Books 5

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Cherry Tart

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
LOVE Harry Potter!
I remember Amazon delivering the last book on release day, and finishing it about 5 hours later.
Also went to the midnight screenings for the 4th through 8th movies, very fun Image
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Cherry Cola

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
with each book release we went to the local book store for a big party that went on until midnight when the book could be sold.
My kids would dress up as their favorite characters and one year ds won 1st place in the costume contest.
His prize: A ticket to the front to the line to purchase the first book.
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Cherry Cola

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
Total HP Fan here! The kids and I just visited Universal Theme parks this past March together and I'm embarking on an album project of all the photos we took at the two Harry Potter themed areas there! I've not posted any of those photos here yet, but here is one to include with this post. My little Wizard picks out her very own wand at Ollivander's.
- Jillian

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
I love Harry Potter!  My best memory is watching the first movie with my son his first time. The joy he got from it reminded me of how I felt when I first read the books.
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Cherry Cola

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
HUGE HP fans here! In fact, we're having a family night tonight. Pizza, a game, and likely a HP movie. We really want to visit the HP stuff in Orlando but wanted to wait until the boys were a bit older so that they'd be able to do all of the stuff there. Oldest DS started the series and stopped...hoping to get him back on it this summer. Youngest DS hasn't started yet but he should be able to pick up the first book; he just has to ask for the copy. (It's on our bedroom book shelf.)
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Cherry Bomb

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
Anne-Marie, I knew this was your thread when I saw the title. :)

I am another big Harry Potter fan. I love that she invented a new world with new creatures and it's own vocabulary. I've read the books and seen the movies so many times.

I have two kind of odd memories:

Movie: My mother was staying with me and there was nothing on TV so she said "Let me see what Harry Potter is all about" so I put on the first movie and she starts saying it's the second movie not the first. Insisting that I was wrong ignoring the fact that she knows thismuch about the stories and that 10 minutes in Harry is just learning he's a wizard and didn't catch on that this wouldn't happen in the 2nd movie. ha!!

Book: I was reading one of the book on the train. You know how they are all pretty big books, this was in hard cover so even bulkier. I was sitting next to someone reading a book on her kindle. It was just as they were becoming more popular. It felt like we were in a commercial....why lug around a 1000 page book when you can hold 1000 books in your hand. hahaha!
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Wild Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
We are total fans, books and movies . Have all the books and movies. It was a family tradition to go to the movie when they came out. Luke ended up graduating and moving before they all came out but Hil and I continued the tradition. We have movie weekends when we watch them back to back lol

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
DD and I read all the HP books together when she was in 4th grade.  We got each book at the library.  DD read the book during the day and I took it to work with me each night.  She would challenge me each day to see who had read more.  We had fun doing that with all the books.  It was a very special Mother daughter thing.  I scrapbooked this, but I don't have a picture of the layout.  I have leftover HP patterned papers and stickers that I plan to use for our HP pictures from Universal Feb 2015.
Karen in SC
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
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Cherry Blossom

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
HP is one of Jory's and my mother-son things. I have a couple of "things" with each of my kiddos. HP, Maximum Ride by James Patterson, and computers with Jory. Shopping, scrapbooking/papercrafting, and all the girl stuff with Lizzie. :)

Image "Wingardium...Leviosa!" By BlingQueenRia
Jory dressed as Harry Potter. :)
I'm glad I don't have to hunt for my food. I don't even know where sandwiches live.
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Cherry Addict

Re: 10 points to Gryffindor
Funny thing I am reading the first book on Audio now.    I do remember buying my DH the Harry Potter Jelly Beans years ago! LOL!
Second my Best Friends, we have been best friends for about 39 years now.  Son died By Suicide in 2011.  He grew up during the Harry Potter era and that is what he read with his mom. He loved Harry Potter.  So his mom put a Harry Potter quote on his gravestone.  For the life of me I cannot remember which one. I have been looking on her FB page to find it.   BUT, I needed to share this.  Austin I love you thanks for the memories.  Not I am thinking of him. I stll have not done the LO of the photos I have of him.  I did create one for his moms.

I fond it the quote is...
"Death is but another great adventure."  A.D.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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