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Cherry Cola

Re: Thank You Everyone!
Thank you for hosting! The class was a lot of fun. I can't wait to finish my layout.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Thank You Everyone!
Did someone say cocktails????  I'm in! ImageImage
My Blog -->  BlinnsBlog
Instagram --> @onescrappymom71
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Thank You Everyone!
Thanks Sara!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Thank You Everyone!
I just got home from taking my DD and Neice to a Disney Live show :) Fun times, but I was itching to get back. Going to get caught up on your class now and would love a cocktail hour tomorrow!!
- Jillian

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Thank You Everyone!
jlparkmark wrote:That would be awesome! And Thank You for an amazing job! Would it be possible at the end of today's festivities to post a list with links for just what challenges are still open?
It's on the NSD schedule . . . not sure about the little games for points. They are usually only open until the hostesses individual hours are over.  But they may keep some open and award point for a week or so if they have points left.

Here's a link:  viewtopic.php?f=348&t=256184

Some of the games are here . . . viewtopic.php?f=348&t=256108

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Thank You Everyone!
Thank You Kim!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Thank You Everyone!
If I'm back from afternoon tea, I'll be there! I know that sounds like a really long tea party, but provided I'm feeling well enough, I'm going with my best pal and it's possible that it could turn into cocktail hour at her house afterward. She's got a comfy couch and a lot of tolerance for my dumb spine mandating that I imbibe from a reclining position, possibly accompanied by my constant companion, Sir Heating Pad. 

But it all depends on how rough I feel's possible that I'll be home all day anyway.

Yes, that was FAR more than anyone needed to know about my plans. Sorry. ;)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Thank You Everyone!
Working a 12hr shift tomorrow so I'll be hitting the bed as soon as I can. Enjoy without me. Thankyou for all you've done!

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Thank You Everyone!
Today was so much fun! I was amazed at how fast everything went -- I'd walk away for a few minutes and not be able to find my place when I came back. I think I had over a dozen windows open to the challenges and things that I wanted to keep track of. 

Thanks to all the hostesses and to ACOT for doing this for us. It was fantastic! Image
~ Katie ~

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