my time is up and I want you to give a warm HI to Sara and enjoy Lets Make A Kit!!! take good notes for me so I can catch up when I get back!!
random sprinkles to pagal74, stephc and Kate W. -- thanks ladies!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!

view my blog (new)

view my blog (new)
thanks Ann - welcome to Sara
Welcome Sara!!!

Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi
Han Solo and Chewbacca for 2016

A Friend of Bill since March 12th of 1995...
My blog... Altered Whimsey's Studios
Follow me on Instagram as alteredwhimseys
Thanks for the fun hour, Ann. welcome Sara to the new hour!
2014 Totals 51 layouts
8 cards
8 cards
Thank you everyone! I hope you enjoy the class and get some use out of all the beautiful kits you posted!