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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Mini Album from Scratch!
After my hour I still have some fixing to do with my class.  The Gallery was really tough on my eyes and between no sleep and my eyes acting up had it was a crazy night!  Maybe this monitor, too....it's getting old.

I hope you have as much fun as I did building my own album from scratch for the first time.  It's hard to describe as I just picked up paper and said I want this element and that element in it.  And ran with it.  Bear with me I will fix what's broke.on my typing!

Here's the sneak to wet your appetite!


What does it look like?  LOL!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Mini Album from Scratch!
I enlarged it, had to, that didn't work too well, my guess is a diaper!
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kate W.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Mini Album from Scratch!
I was thinking a diaper as well. A baby mini album perhaps?
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Cherry Tart

Re: Mini Album from Scratch!
Underwear or a diaper?
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Cherry Bing

Re: Mini Album from Scratch!
since it says wet your appetite I will say the start of a cup of coffee
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Mini Album from Scratch!
Did someone say coffee???? I think it's a diaper myself. I just happen to be working on a baby mini album. :D
I'm glad I don't have to hunt for my food. I don't even know where sandwiches live.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Mini Album from Scratch!
So will instructions for the class be posted later?

Thank you!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Mini Album from Scratch!
I'm going with a tea cup...it has a little handle on one side. I've never seen underwear like that! ;)
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Mini Album from Scratch!
When is this due?
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Mini Album from Scratch!
The link just came up 15 minutes ago and my phone froze. :(
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Mini Album from Scratch!
I'm excited about this!
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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