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Cherry Delight

Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
cool, mostly grey, and rain by evening.  We had a nice fire in the stove last night.  And I am sore today because it was cool and nice and I got overly enthusiastic and I cleaned that dang garage for over 2 hours.  Phew.  I now have lots of room for my winter supply of wood pellets and I overstuffed my garbage can and my recycle can.  Cool weather makes me want to get out and get stuff done.  Windows are now clean inside the house but this rain will put my outside window washing off for a couple days.  oh well.  I have a dinner to go to tonight so DS#1 is coming over to eat dinner with his dad and hang around until I get home.  Should be fun except I hate to drive in the dark and in the rain.    
Hope all have a fun, warm, safe day today. 
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
It sounds like you had a productive day. You mentioning washing windows reminds me that DH needs to put our storm windows in. He always waits until it's freezing out and then all that cold air comes in while he's changing them. Brrrr. Image
I'm not ready for winter. It seemed like summer flew by this year.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
Good morning,

we have a rainy start to our day here as well and it is also the last day of warm weather in our forecast Image  At least the sun will be out and it should be about 68 by the time I get out of work.  Co-worker called out sick again!  Hey, she made it through two straight weeks (if you don't count her leaving early on two Fridays).  She is the biggest joke in the building and I hate being in the same office as her.  Oh well, I should be able to get nice and caught up from my 4 day weekend.  Waiting on a nice scrappy order to arrive, it has not shipped out yet.  But I am sure I will have lots of new goodies to play with by this weekend, something awesome to look forward to in front of the fireplace!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
 view my blog (new) https://ourhideawayparadise.blogspot.com/ 

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
Here in Mi, it was 65 a few days ago. That is long gone!! Were not feeling so well after our visit to University of Michigan Childrens hospital visit. I hear lots of people get sick after visiting! Good news is our little guy will not need braces on his legs or surgery for his hip issues, just exercises with a PT. Very happy on this, as Elijah has autism and very low pain tolerance. Kind of sad he will continue to have an awkward gait, but perhaps the therapy can help align his hips more. Hes home with me today, and wants me to do a layout on his appointment! 
    TERRI  :greenwinkb: :greeninlove: ​​​​​​​ ​​
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
Good Morning. It is chili here today. I think the highs will be in the low 40;s.  
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
It is overcast here in Pensacola and I believe it is going to get a little cooler.  I have a list of chores to type out and print out, but my fingers are not cooperating!  I have typed this three times already!  Dang chemo brain!  lol  I am "inbetween" treatment  for now so just recooperating and reserving my strength by resting 95% of the time; hardly even getting dressed unless going out to doctor.  My dil is taking great care of me.  MY dh is in a rehab facility after having a tumor removed from his thigh bone is October.  The doc does not plan to treat his CA aggressively for a variety if reasons, but mostly because, the CA  "pops" up in sporadic places.
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
Good morning! A front blew in and now I have officially had to put away my flips flops for stupid socks and shoes. Its 49, with a wind chill of 43, winds out of the north at 17mph. Cloudy too with a sinus headache. Image

Yesterday DH and I offically made an offer on the house we have love and our realtor put together a contract for us. We did that yesterday. The seller's also have 2 other offers coming in and they have to make a decision by Monday. I am hoping they pick us!

Doing laundry today as after our meeting last night, we went to walmart so I could buy some socks and long sleeve shirts. How many does this South Texas girl own? ONE. ONE long sleeve shirt. In this house right now, there are many drafts, so I get cold easily. I am washing all of those now. And working!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
Morning all and hey Bibi, it's great to see you! Image  It's colder here again today, only 40 and not supposed to warm up. brrr....  We're going out for our walk soon.  Spent the morning scrapping a bit and catching up online. Have little grandson after school today and that's about it for my day.

Have a great one, everyone!
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Scrap Bug

Cherry Bomb

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
Good morning.  Bibi - good to see you posting!

A cold front came in - I am THRILLED!!!!  Woop!  It is way colder than normal, and the 7 day forecast shows highs only in the 50's except for a couple of days that will get up to 65-68.  It is such a nice change - so tired of hot weather all the time.  

The garage is finally all put back together.  Yesterday I worked on some finishing touches, and the only thing left to do is finish staining the cabinets.  I don't think I'll be doing that today.

Today I need to grocery shop, finish laundry, and then clean up the pigsty that I call my craft room.  It got neglected during the garage remodel and became a dumping ground.  There are also loads of paperwork that I need to go through and file and shred. 

I also need to do some homework, and I might start some today if I feel up to it.  I have my regular assignment due this week as well as another quiz.  I also need to start working on my research paper, as I only have a few weeks left before it's due.  

Tonight there's a girls night wine and facial get together that I might go to - it just depends on how much I accomplish today.  I guess  better get to it.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
1grandma wrote:It is overcast here in Pensacola and I believe it is going to get a little cooler.  I have a list of chores to type out and print out, but my fingers are not cooperating!  I have typed this three times already!  Dang chemo brain!  lol  I am "inbetween" treatment  for now so just recooperating and reserving my strength by resting 95% of the time; hardly even getting dressed unless going out to doctor.  My dil is taking great care of me.  MY dh is in a rehab facility after having a tumor removed from his thigh bone is October.  The doc does not plan to treat his CA aggressively for a variety if reasons, but mostly because, the CA  "pops" up in sporadic places.
Oh, Bibi, for Heaven's sake, DON'T feel bad about not getting dressed! You've earned your time to relax and rest. I havent' gone thru the treatment you have, and I still don't get dressed unless I'm going out. PJ pants and a sweatshirt are my go-to attire unless I have to leave the house! And I"ve even been known to wear the said PJ pants and sweatshirt to pick up DD from work as I don't have to get out of the car when I get there lol. 
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
meterr70 wrote:Here in Mi, it was 65 a few days ago. That is long gone!! Were not feeling so well after our visit to University of Michigan Childrens hospital visit. I hear lots of people get sick after visiting! Good news is our little guy will not need braces on his legs or surgery for his hip issues, just exercises with a PT. Very happy on this, as Elijah has autism and very low pain tolerance. Kind of sad he will continue to have an awkward gait, but perhaps the therapy can help align his hips more. Hes home with me today, and wants me to do a layout on his appointment! 
Yeah, I had that icky white stuff caught on my windshield wipers when I got out of work this morning. Sure hate that stuff!

Glad for the good news on your son...so hard to see your kids hurting. But I think it's really cool that he asks for layouts! 
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
blbabe1234 wrote:Good morning! A front blew in and now I have officially had to put away my flips flops for stupid socks and shoes. Its 49, with a wind chill of 43, winds out of the north at 17mph. Cloudy too with a sinus headache. Image

Yesterday DH and I offically made an offer on the house we have love and our realtor put together a contract for us. We did that yesterday. The seller's also have 2 other offers coming in and they have to make a decision by Monday. I am hoping they pick us!

Doing laundry today as after our meeting last night, we went to walmart so I could buy some socks and long sleeve shirts. How many does this South Texas girl own? ONE. ONE long sleeve shirt. In this house right now, there are many drafts, so I get cold easily. I am washing all of those now. And working!
Even in our cold and snowy winters, I HATE socks and avoid them whenever possible. My go to foot attire at home are slippers, and when it gets cold enough I wear my boots, often without socks. I buy shoes in the fall that I can wear without socks, and only add socks when there is really a lot of snow on the ground. The tightness of socks around my toes is really irritating to me! 
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
Ayla wrote:
blbabe1234 wrote:Good morning! A front blew in and now I have officially had to put away my flips flops for stupid socks and shoes. Its 49, with a wind chill of 43, winds out of the north at 17mph. Cloudy too with a sinus headache. Image

Yesterday DH and I offically made an offer on the house we have love and our realtor put together a contract for us. We did that yesterday. The seller's also have 2 other offers coming in and they have to make a decision by Monday. I am hoping they pick us!

Doing laundry today as after our meeting last night, we went to walmart so I could buy some socks and long sleeve shirts. How many does this South Texas girl own? ONE. ONE long sleeve shirt. In this house right now, there are many drafts, so I get cold easily. I am washing all of those now. And working!
Even in our cold and snowy winters, I HATE socks and avoid them whenever possible. My go to foot attire at home are slippers, and when it gets cold enough I wear my boots, often without socks. I buy shoes in the fall that I can wear without socks, and only add socks when there is really a lot of snow on the ground. The tightness of socks around my toes is really irritating to me! 
OH, and good luck on your offer! I've seen on some of the home buying programs that when there are multiple offers, they write a letter to the seller telling them a little about themselves and how much they would enjoy the house. They said the personal touch often helps. Maybe that is something you can consider doing. 
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
Ayla wrote:
Ayla wrote:
blbabe1234 wrote:Good morning! A front blew in and now I have officially had to put away my flips flops for stupid socks and shoes. Its 49, with a wind chill of 43, winds out of the north at 17mph. Cloudy too with a sinus headache. Image

Yesterday DH and I offically made an offer on the house we have love and our realtor put together a contract for us. We did that yesterday. The seller's also have 2 other offers coming in and they have to make a decision by Monday. I am hoping they pick us!

Doing laundry today as after our meeting last night, we went to walmart so I could buy some socks and long sleeve shirts. How many does this South Texas girl own? ONE. ONE long sleeve shirt. In this house right now, there are many drafts, so I get cold easily. I am washing all of those now. And working!
Even in our cold and snowy winters, I HATE socks and avoid them whenever possible. My go to foot attire at home are slippers, and when it gets cold enough I wear my boots, often without socks. I buy shoes in the fall that I can wear without socks, and only add socks when there is really a lot of snow on the ground. The tightness of socks around my toes is really irritating to me! 
OH, and good luck on your offer! I've seen on some of the home buying programs that when there are multiple offers, they write a letter to the seller telling them a little about themselves and how much they would enjoy the house. They said the personal touch often helps. Maybe that is something you can consider doing. 
Good to know! DH is the writer. I suck at it!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Wild Cherry

Re: Good Morning, Wednesday, Nov 12
1grandma wrote:It is overcast here in Pensacola and I believe it is going to get a little cooler.  I have a list of chores to type out and print out, but my fingers are not cooperating!  I have typed this three times already!  Dang chemo brain!  lol  I am "inbetween" treatment  for now so just recooperating and reserving my strength by resting 95% of the time; hardly even getting dressed unless going out to doctor.  My dil is taking great care of me.  MY dh is in a rehab facility after having a tumor removed from his thigh bone is October.  The doc does not plan to treat his CA aggressively for a variety if reasons, but mostly because, the CA  "pops" up in sporadic places.

So good to see your post, Bibi. I want you to know you looked so well and lovely this morning. I know the struggles you've been through and I love my visit with my dearest friend any time, through the tired, worn out ill times and the lively, smiling on the go Bibi times!  Maybe this "inbetween" time is finally allowing your body to feel better? I do hope so. Keep your eyes focused on the beauty you see each day! Love you, hope to see you Friday.

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