So for November the month of Thanksgiving, lets see a thank you card or thanksgiving card, or thankful for you. I have also supplied
a sketch for you which you do not have to use but if you choose to I will enter your name in twice, and if I see a turkey on the card I
will put your name in twice and if you use both the sketch and a turkey I will enter your name in three times. And since I am thankful
for my fellow cherries who give me tons of inspiration this month I will choose 2 winners to receive a $5 ACOT GC.
I hope you can join in this month and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
sorry not the best pic of sketch but here it is
I hope I did not miss anyone this month on commenting. I had to play catch up due to my computer died.
So lets get to it. The winners are: jcsmaestra - Mary and 1grandma - Bibi
Thanks all that played along with my challenge and ladies I will get your GC's out tomorrow.

Here is my example

- please submit by 11/30/2014 by 11:59 pm
- winners will be chosen at random
- you may combine with another challenge that allows
- open to digi and paper
- have fun