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Cherry Tart

Giftbags for cancer
Hello i am new here but i love acherryontop such gorgeous papers.i have a requrst well need actually.i make giftbags for cancer patients using scrapbook paper and cardstock paper 12x12 this is done for the outpatient cancer center at mercy medical center.my dad is currently a patient recieving chemo for testicular lymphoma.i in dire need of scrapbook paper/cardstock tosle my monthly supply,of giftbags for the patients we are financially broken but if anyone would please consider donating to me for my LUNCHES FOR LOVED ONES giftbags some scrapbook/cardstock paper and rubber stamps it would be amazing thank you and bless you all.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Giftbags for cancer
It sounds like you are doing a great service.  Cancer touches all of our lives, so I know it is very important.  I would say, however, that you might need to get to know us and stick around and post some more, since you are a brand new board member.  Everyone on this board is very generous, but we like to know to whom we are giving. ;)  Welcome! Tell us more about you. :)
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Cherry Tart

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Hello i am sorry my phone crashed and i wasn't able to finish my message.my name is courtney i have been knitting for seven years ,crocheting for 12 i discovered scrapbooking and origami a couple years ago.i don't have any children its just my parents and i.my father is a current cancer patient my mother is disabled from a car acccident twenty years coming this oct halloween.i help to care for my grandmother who is getting ready to be released from a rehab center after six months from a fall anf broken leg in dec 2013.i am,also a baker who was laid off in 2012 i was recently,diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after not knowing i was my bood glucose rose to a nearly fatal 1640 in feb i spent two week in the hospital i am doing much better now.i also want to start doing cakes on my own but i am financially challenged for the cake pansets i,need i just don't have anyone to help me.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Well, it's good to have you here, Courtney. :)  Everyone on this board is really friendly and please forgive my previous post.  I was not trying to sound harsh or unfriendly, but we all know there can be scammers on the internet and sadly, there have been some in the past on this board.  I hope you will keep joining us.  We are great for support for each other!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Welcome!  Sounds like you have a lot on your plate.  As Art_Teacher said, we're a very welcoming and supportive board.  Stick around!

I can relate to your glucose problems.  I found out I had Type 2 Diabetes in 2005.  After 7 years of exercise, dieting, eating right, etc., I was taken off all my meds.  So far, so good.  Good luck to you on that front!
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Bark

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Hi Courtney and Welcome to ACOT!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Tart

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Aww thank you very much ladies i completely understand thank you for such a warm welcome.i am doing well with my diabetes i take one pill in the morningf levemir in the evening before bed.i will certainly stick around i love making new friends and crafty friends are the best because they totally understand craft language &pattern speak and new paper releases.lol
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Cherry Tart

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Oh my i just had to share with you lovely ladies mercy's outpatient chemo center where we go the patient navigator saw me crocheting and found that i crafted regulary so she came searchung for me and i wondered what she could possible want with little ole me well i found she asked me if i was willing to crochet some burial blankets and other items for the babies birn at mercy asleep or become angels after birth she said she immediately thought of me.how amazing for her to come and find me out of the thousands of people who travel through the hospital.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Courtney, welcome to ACOT.  I look forward to getting to know you better.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Hello and welcome! Yes, nice to have your skills recognized, but what a sad reason! My nephew and his wife lost a baby a year ago...born too soon, at only 22 weeks. They now have given birth to a healthy full term baby girl, but I know they still struggle with the loss of Josephine. What a wonderful gift you can give to those babies and parents!
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Welcome!  I hope your health will improve along with all your responsibilities!  My goodness!  Being an angel sounds very interesting to me.  You have given me an idea.  Thanks!
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Cherry Picker

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Welcome Courtney

Blog: http://myordinarylifemorrisway.blogspot.com/
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Cherry Tart

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Shutterbug wrote:Courtney, welcome to ACOT.  I look forward to getting to know you better.
Thank you very much i look forward to getting to know you as well.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Ayla wrote:Hello and welcome! Yes, nice to have your skills recognized, but what a sad reason! My nephew and his wife lost a baby a year ago...born too soon, at only 22 weeks. They now have given birth to a healthy full term baby girl, but I know they still struggle with the loss of Josephine. What a wonderful gift you can give to those babies and parents!
hello andb thank you for the welcome.yes child loss is a great deal of pain and hurt to bear and I hope my contribution will bring some comfort.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Giftbags for cancer
1grandma wrote:Welcome!  I hope your health will improve along with all your responsibilities!  My goodness!  Being an angel sounds very interesting to me.  You have given me an idea.  Thanks!
Thank you very much my health improves everyday I pace myself more and rest.I enjoy doing projects and helping other I made a promisee that since I survived my ordeal I would unturned help as many people as I could.your very welcome.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Morris4 wrote:Welcome Courtney
Thank you:)
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Cherry Tart

Re: Giftbags for cancer
blbabe1234 wrote:Hi Courtney and Welcome to ACOT!
Thank you very much:)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Giftbags for cancer
So nice to meet you. Being a caregiver is quite a handful by itself. To be so giving in making these bags and crocheting, you are one busy lady! I admire you and would love to see how these bags are made and help as I can. Welcome to ACOT and hope you stay with us awhile.

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Cherry Cola

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Hi Courtney. I live 10 minutes from Mercy Hospital. I have a ton of paper I can donate. Private message me and we can work out a place to meet. Mercy Hospital has helped my family in the past before our insurance switched us to Baystate Hospital. I will be happy to help. Do you need ribbon too? I have a ton and I never use it.

Maybe we could meet at Mercy Hospital and you can show me your work and the program.

Just click on the PM button under my picture to the left of my post Image
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Giftbags for cancer
Croppinmama wrote:Hi Courtney. I live 10 minutes from Mercy Hospital. I have a ton of paper I can donate. Private message me and we can work out a place to meet. Mercy Hospital has helped my family in the past before our insurance switched us to Baystate Hospital. I will be happy to help. Do you need ribbon too? I have a ton and I never use it.

Maybe we could meet at Mercy Hospital and you can show me your work and the program.

Just click on the PM button under my picture to the left of my post Image
Funny, there are Mercy Hospitals in my area, too.  Where are you located, Courtney?

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