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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
I gotta have my diet pepsi.  And as far as snacks, I love the pretzel cheese combos and M & M peanuts.   

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
DIET COKE a must, ( addicted to it ) sometimes a bite of chocolate, but if I have a drink I'm good ..
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Cherry Addict

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
I love candy!  Especially chocolate but most any kind if it is sweet.  Chips, nuts, food of any kind.  Y'all are tempting me, for sure.  I have been dieting and getting a lot of exercise so a need to be healthy is working for me now.  I will probably have easy and healthy treats available every two hours and good meals prepared to warm up.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
Mmmmmm gummy bears for sure and then M&Ms, maybe some hot tamales. And water will be my drink of choice.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
average_kim wrote:I keep a little candy hidden from my kids close to my scrappy supplies, hehehe!  If they hear rustling packages they think it's just my embellies!  Right now, I have a sack of Jolly Rancher jelly beans and a bag of Zackery's Maple dipped peanuts.  I don't take drinks in there very often--I know I'd spill!  And, if I'm working at the kitchen table, I've learned not to have a drink close--I splattered hot cocoa on a layout last winter!
Kim you cracked me up:  "If they hear rustling packages they think it's just my embellies! " That's hilarious!!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
Like many others have said, peanut m&ms and dr. Pepper (with a splash of coconut extract in it).  And when I can find them - chewy runts!  Love them but can hardly find them anywhere anymore :(. I also stash candy in my sewing machine cabinet for when I am quilting or scrapping since I do both in the same room
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Cherry Cola

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
Coffee and Diet Pepsi for sure! I usually don't snack while I scrap, but if I do it's chocolate and some kind of chips
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
One of the few tools I never purchased from CM.  Of to the side like that I am a klutz!  I therefore always have a bottled soda within reach and cap is screwed on at all times.  Next is Reese's and a minimum of two packages of Fig Newtons for an all weekend crop.  Last four crops I also had four packages of Grocery store sushi each crop.  Now if I could make just one crop this year with all my scrappy friends in my area!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
Nothing, really.  If I put anything on my desk to munch on, I usually forget and if I don't make an effort to even remember I've put a drink down, I am absolutely certain I would end up knocking it over.  I actually think scrapping is great for a diet because I get so focused on what I'm doing that I don't think about eating or drinking much of anything.  I tune out the rest of the world except for singing along to music. :)

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
Snickers, M&Ms, or Skittles and Dr. Pepper for me
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
I love Caffeine Free Pepsi or Wylers Red Raspberry sugar free drink, and to snack on - pretzels, chips, Reese Pieces....
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
I like caramel popcorn and ghiradelli milk chocolate with almonds. Pepsi and coffee for my drinks.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
Combos, peanut M&M's, water, coffee, coke.
Mom to Nicole and Michael
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Cherry Tart

Re: Favorite snack and drink while you're cropping?
Lipton's Peach iced tea (warm, I'm weird!) and Bottlecaps!!! I LOVE them and ONLY let myself have them while scrappin, otherwise, well, I'd eat WAY to many! They are not greasy and wont leave any marks if i drop one.
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