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Cherry Jubilee

Re: IF - 423
Very low impact.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: IF - 423
We don't go to the post office much, but there are times when you really need I would say yes!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: IF - 423
I wouldn't see that happening, but we are lucky to have a PO right down the street...we'd just likely have to wait longer for the mail (as in, we wouldn't be early on the delivery shift) and do less frequent trips to drop stuff off when shipping things out because it wouldn't be as convenient.

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Cherry Cola

Re: IF - 423
Low impact.
- Jillian

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A Cherry on Top

Re: IF - 423
High, I go there often to mail letters, packages and to drop off packages from stuff we sold on ebay that we print the postage online for.
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Cherry Addict

Re: IF - 423
low impact except for when I want to mail my Income Tax off at the last minute.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: IF - 423
Low impact.  I do not go to the Post Office that often.
Karen in SC
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: IF - 423
low impact. I too only visit mine 3-4 times a year. There's a small one in our little village where we live, but I couldn't tell you where the big one is here in town. Tho I did drive by it the other day (I wasn't driving, I was a passenger, so I have no idea where I was lol). 
Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).

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Cherry Bomb

Re: IF - 423
Low, b/c I don't go that often. I usually mail everything from home and do online click n ship with home pick up.  I usually only go to buy stamps or to get pre-paid stamps and pick up shipping supplies - plus pick up mail that the mail carrier has left a note for.  I can always plan ahead and order stamps and supplies online, and I guess follow directions for an undelivered package.
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Cherry Addict

Re: IF - 423
Not a huge impact in terms of my daily life because I often mail near work, but our local post office is in a huge old building, historic, and I'd hate to see anything happen. It's the main branch for our town though, so I don't envision anything happening.
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