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Sweet Cherry Pie

Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
My birthday is coming up in May (woohooo!!) and I know I'll be asking for ACOT gift cards and goodies from my wish list ... but my wish list is currently 8 pages long and that's not even including the different "baskets" I have in my account Image Definitely time for some wish list spring cleaning!! Which got me thinking ...

- How often do you edit / update your ACOT wish lists?

- Do you only take things off your wish list once they've been purchased, or do you ever look back at things you added and think "goodness, what was I thinking?!"

- Do you use your wish list for shopping (as in, "these are things I want to add to my next order") or are the items you put on your wish list bigger, more expensive or more 
frivolous products that you wouldn't buy for yourself but would love someone to surprise you with? 
I blog @ Skyline Paperie
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
For me ... I try to keep my wish list updated. Not that my family orders items from my wish list often (actually, I think they've only done so once!) but I just like to stay organized. I remove items if they are out of stock and have been discontinued. Sometimes I look back at things in my wish list and realize I really have no use for it ... or I saw it in person and didn't like it, so I take it off. 

I do use my wish list more as a personal shopping reference than a guide for others to purchase things for me. 
I blog @ Skyline Paperie
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Cherry Bing

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
I use my wish list as an extension of my shopping cart sometimes.  Usually it's empty.  I order about once a month so I really don't let much overflow from my basket.  If I order and it went out of stock, I will move that item to my out of stock basket, or if my order is way too expensive, I will shift stuff to my wish list temporarily.

I also create pre-order baskets just to keep those items by manufacturer separate to order by manufacturer.
*** Christi ***
Love to scrap - Need to scrap - Not enough time to scrap!!!

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
I've been going through the new arrivals and pre-orders this season so I was using it as a reminder of what I may include with my next order.  I don't ask for gift cards or scrap stuff for birthdays or holidays so this list is purely to keep track of my shopping.  

i shop off the list so it's removed when I place the order.  I edited it in January and deleted a lot of things that were older and out of stock which were unlikely to be reordered and any type of letter sticker since I have a million of them plus the OMG, what was I thinking when I clicked on that items.  ha!

There are a couple of things on there that I know I would reorder like the SC wood veneer laser cut hearts and stars.  
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
- How often do you edit / update your ACOT wish lists?: I almost never edit it, unless I am purchasing something from the list. If it's in my wish list, I added it for a reason and I want to remember the reason even if it's out of stock or discontinued. I always hope to come across extras on ebay or have them magically reappear here.

- Do you only take things off your wish list once they've been purchased, or do you ever look back at things you added and think "goodness, what was I thinking?!": I am definitely a "goodness, what was I thinking" person! I had so much Arctic Frog in my wishlist and am grateful I didn't waste my money!

- Do you use your wish list for shopping (as in, "these are things I want to add to my next order") or are the items you put on your wish list bigger, more expensive or more frivolous products that you wouldn't buy for yourself but would love someone to surprise you with? : Mostly things I want to add to my next order... Sometimes I have things in mind and add them to my wishlist so I don't buy multiples of similar items (like the 5 airplane papers I had in my basket, or the 3 different constellation papers).
*Thoughts become things -- choose the good ones!*
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Cherry Bark

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
I try to keep my WL updated, as I participate in the monthly envies. When I buy myself something from my WL I will delete it from the list.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Cola

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
As I see things in the shop that I like, I add them to my wish list. I go through my wish list often and delete items I no longer have a use for. If something is sold out then I move it to my "Sold Out" basket and watch that to see if the items come back in stock. It's faster than waiting for an e-mail through the "notify" system. When I want to order from ACOT I go through my wish list and grab all the items I REALLY want and move them to my basket for check out. So my basket is usually empty until I'm ready to order.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
I try to edit my wish list every couple months, but my list is a very long list like yours!  And lots of what is on my list is out of stock..  I don't know if these items will come back in stock or if I should just remove them.  It seems like for every one item I delete, three more get added! 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
I definately remove things that I have either bought or received (Monthly Envie and Secret Sister). I haven't been adding to it lately since I was doing that while I am at work (you all know I can't see the pictures anymore Image). We will see how it goes and try to figure out another routine to get into.
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Cherry Addict

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
I move things around. I may have ended up not needing something, or parts have sold out and not come back in so I don't want the rest...any variety of reasons. Sometimes I just try to make it smaller because it can get big! lol
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
And I have never had family look at it...the only ones were folks from here when I did Secret Sister or monthly envies, but I haven't had the extra funds to do either for awhile.
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
About two weeks ago, my Wish List was over $300.  When I placed my order, I had a $40.00 order, and deleted items, and it is down to $60. now.  Funny, some items that I deleted, I found that I wanted still, when I looked through My Favorites from the gallery, and I said to myself - oh, that is why that was on my Wish List, I wanted to scraplift this layout.
Karen in SC
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
I add to it more often then I delete!! But recently I deleted quite a bit. Most of the things I deleted were out of stock items. There was some things in the "what was I thinking?" category too! But the list is still quite LARGE!! I do want to be sure my secret sister has a lot to shop from! Image
- joannie

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Cherry Tart

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
I've never used the wish list.Image

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
I don't use the wish list, but I have lots of folders in my basket.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
citygirl22 wrote:My birthday is coming up in May (woohooo!!) and I know I'll be asking for ACOT gift cards and goodies from my wish list ... but my wish list is currently 8 pages long and that's not even including the different "baskets" I have in my account Image Definitely time for some wish list spring cleaning!! Which got me thinking ...

- How often do you edit / update your ACOT wish lists?

- Do you only take things off your wish list once they've been purchased, or do you ever look back at things you added and think "goodness, what was I thinking?!"

- Do you use your wish list for shopping (as in, "these are things I want to add to my next order") or are the items you put on your wish list bigger, more expensive or more 
frivolous products that you wouldn't buy for yourself but would love someone to surprise you with? 

I don't clean out my wish list that often. 
I take things off my wishlist once they've been purchased, and I'll go through and remove things from my wishlist if they've been discontinued and are not coming back in stock (usually if they've been "out of stock" for months or longer, and on the product page if it doesn't say "notify me" or "coming soon" or whatever, then they're likely not going to get more of it in). 
I add things to my wish list when I see others post it, or if I'm cherry hunting, which doesn't happen much anymore. But I do put things in there and then I'll go back and say "yeah, why did I add this?" lol. But I do also put things on there that, should I win the lottery, I'd like to buy one of everything of something, but with a limited scrapping budget, I just can't justify buying at the time. 

I should go back and clean that up tho! I never get GCs for my birthday, and my family never cares to ask me what I want. They usually just give me cash or something else I've wanted, which is nice, but it never translates into scrap money, unless I use my cash at scrap stores locally, that I can directly shop in. 
Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).

2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card. 
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags 
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
- How often do you edit / update your ACOT wish lists?

I do two different updates in managing the enormous amounts of baskets.  Or at least to me they are enormous!!!  I'll do little updates about two to three times a month.  Most of those fall into two categories:  1)  I really don't need that! or 2)  What the "BLANK" WAS I THINKING.  About every two to three months I remind myself to get into all those baskets and get rid of "OLD STUFF".or "DO I REALLY REALLY WANT THAT!"

- Do you take things of your wish list once they have been purchased or do you ever look back at things you have added and think "goodness, what was I thinking?"

I answered the last part of this question above.  It's been a couple of months and I need to do a major purge again.  And yes they come off my wish lists unless I want another of that item!!!  I've become better over the last two years about knowing what will move quickly and what will not.  Guess it's that business background that sees trends so easily.

- Do you use your wishlist for shopping (as in, "these things are what I want to add to my next order")  or are the items you put on your wish list bigger, more expensive, or more frivolous you wouldn't buy for yourself but would love for someone else to surprise you with!

Last year I participated in Secret Sister for the first time and completely rethought or better yet tried to rethink how I used my wish list.  I totally changed my wishlist so that the person I was Secret Sister to would have the cheapest shipping available to her from what she chose to purchase.  But it was also two fold, I'd much rather have embellishments then paper!!!  I literally hoard embellishments!!!  I rarely have that moment of, "that paper is so pretty I can't use it."  It's a totally different story with embellishments....'if I use it then I won't have it' moment happens all the time.  The second thing I tried to do more often is order off my wishlist....and yet didn't quite get there like I would have liked, too.  And so far this year I'm in the same mode.

Sometime between now and the end of April I will be try to empty those baskets since I keep telling myself I need to stay current about what is coming out and really only have the "MUST HAVES" since our current monetary situation is tight due to the restaurant about to open.  Every dime is going into permitting and build out right now.  Hopefully in June we will see the first income from the restaurant.  The partnership is set up on quarterly income payments to the partners.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Wish List "Spring Cleaning"
I try to keep my wish list updated too.  I usually peruse the new section and add items that I like to my wish list, and every once in a while I go through my wish list and if there is just too much stuff on there I remove things I no longer want as much, or items that have been out of stock for a while, etc.
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