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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
Well I just happened to already be using a LO I pinned for inspiration on a page!  Which I just finished. :)  Prob. won't get it posted for a while but yay for having a challenge done on the 2nd!
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Cherry Addict

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
Got some ideas percolating....
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
Here is my layout. This was perfect for these jars we just made. I took my inspiration from the fact that your can and straws look like my vase and flowers, and of course the colors and all the hearts! This was too perfect for these photo's I just got!

ImageSusan  Image   Image  Image
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Cherry Cropper

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
oceanbreezes423 wrote:Here is my layout. This was perfect for these jars we just made. I took my inspiration from the fact that your can and straws look like my vase and flowers, and of course the colors and all the hearts! This was too perfect for these photo's I just got!

Awesome! LOVE your layout! The jars in your layout do remind me of the photo prompt!  And I love your pp's, your bundle of heart embellies, and the hearts washi tape!  Great job on this challenge! Thanks for entering!

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Cherry Cola

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
I [img][/img] Pinterest!!! I am using your prompt for the challenge. The colors stood out to me- red, white and black. I love your prompt and your examples Kim!


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My blog...My tattooed paper heart
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Cherry Cropper

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
CherryTat wrote:I [img][/img] Pinterest!!! I am using your prompt for the challenge. The colors stood out to me- red, white and black. I love your prompt and your examples Kim!


Love your card!  I especially like the way your bling is in different shapes, and the banners pieces are varied!

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Wild Cherry

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
ImageI was inspired by the hearts.

Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Bing

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
Retiree3 wrote:ImageI was inspired by the hearts.

So cute, love the colors and all the hearts you used!

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Cherry Cropper

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
Retiree3 wrote:ImageI was inspired by the hearts.

Great layout! Love all those hearts, and especially the ones stacked up in your title!  Thanks for doing my challenge!

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Wild Cherry

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
hi Kim!   the painted jar reminded me of this grey heart cutout paper I've had forever, and I used a red background like the straws.
Image  I used this sketch to combine with another site's challenge.


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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
I love this challenge idea.  I often look at Pinterest and am inspired, but never actually get to the projects I want to make.  I was inspired by the red and white stripes and the aqua, swirly words.   (also, if anyone knows how to keep my photos from being so large please let me know.  :))

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
I love your banners!! 
CherryTat wrote:I [img][/img] Pinterest!!! I am using your prompt for the challenge. The colors stood out to me- red, white and black. I love your prompt and your examples Kim!


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Cherry Cropper

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
sweetsour wrote:hi Kim!   the painted jar reminded me of this grey heart cutout paper I've had forever, and I used a red background like the straws.
Image  I used this sketch to combine with another site's challenge.

I love your heart cut-out paper!  Glad you were inspired to pull it out and use it!  Also love your other pp's!  Thanks for doing my challenge!

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Cherry Cropper

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
Craftyshannon wrote:I love this challenge idea.  I often look at Pinterest and am inspired, but never actually get to the projects I want to make.  I was inspired by the red and white stripes and the aqua, swirly words.   (also, if anyone knows how to keep my photos from being so large please let me know.  :))

I love your card!! Great job with the challenge and using my photo prompt!  Love the cut out hearts and the aqua sentiment!  Thanks for participating!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
here's my layout inspired by a project I found on Pinterest. 


Here's the Pinterest project: 


I found a layout on Pinterest with a cute Scarecrow layout. As soon as I saw it, I was reminded of some plaid Fall colored paper I had purchased, and I was inspired to use it! Plus I was inspired to use bright blue as an accent on my page, and a threaded button.

Combining with the One word challenge. Thanks for a great challenge and inspiration! 

Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).

2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card. 
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags 
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)


My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted
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Cherry Cropper

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
cajenkins81 wrote:here's my layout inspired by a project I found on Pinterest. 


Here's the Pinterest project: 


I found a layout on Pinterest with a cute Scarecrow layout. As soon as I saw it, I was reminded of some plaid Fall colored paper I had purchased, and I was inspired to use it! Plus I was inspired to use bright blue as an accent on my page, and a threaded button.

Combining with the One word challenge. Thanks for a great challenge and inspiration! 

I love your layout, especially those pp's and the blue!  Cute scarecrow you had, also!  Thanks for entering the Pinterest challenge!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
ok here mine:  initially the only thing Pinterest inspired me to do was EAT..LOL  but I found a PL sketch and thought I would mess around with a few of the pockets just for fun  :)

my inspiration:
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Cherry Cropper

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
CarrieG wrote:ok here mine:  initially the only thing Pinterest inspired me to do was EAT..LOL  but I found a PL sketch and thought I would mess around with a few of the pockets just for fun  :)

my inspiration:
Very cute layout!  I love the little sketches you found in the whole layout.  Will have to check those type things out on Pinterest, even though my PL isn't using pockets, lol.  Love your picture pockets and the little birdie one!  Thanks for doing this challenge!

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Melissa S.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
I love this challenge and your examples. I really hope I can find time to do it!  
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Cherry Cropper

Re: *New Challenge* Feb. 2014 Pinterest Inspired Challenge
MelissaSmith1 wrote:I love this challenge and your examples. I really hope I can find time to do it!  
I hope you are able to find some time, too!

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