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Cherry Addict

Good Morning Dec 14, 2013
Good Morning! It is slightly overcast here, but a warm 69 degrees! I sure don't mind that! I still have two grandsons with me. They are such a blessing. While one of them was waiting for me to wake up this morning he was stroking my face, and just loving me so sweetly with soft touches. I love waking up like that. My new dgs may be coming home from the hospital today with his parents. Then I will be minus two dgs's. Phooey! It has been such joy and fun having them. Maybe we will go to the Christmas Parade downtown tonight. If it doesn't rain. Otherwise, I am scrapping today. And wrapping Christmas gifts.

What are your plans for this blessing of a day? Hope you have a wonderful, happy day.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning Dec 14, 2013
awwwwww Bibi! how sweet and im glad you had this time with the dgs....... <3

hmmmmmm not sure what today holds yet.....dh had to work, middle daughter has stuff to do............and hopefully by the end of the day we will have water again :)
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Good Morning Dec 14, 2013
Good Morning!

I haven't been here in sometime! Between working a million hours and trying to help out my sister by keeping Grayson as much as possible - there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day!

I'm at work til 5, and that's fine. It's monsoon season today - or it seems like it anyway. It's been a busy day, so that makes the day go by faster. No real plans other than taking care of Grayson when I get home. He's got a stomach virus and is not feeling well at all. My dh and parents are keeping him while I'm at work.

Hope all you wonderful ladies have a fabulous day!! Hoping I can check in more often!! I miss you guys!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Dec 14, 2013
I typed quite a lengthy entry while sitting at a wrestling tournament, which is quite a feat as my phone doesnt have auto correct on this site for some reason, which makes posting a pain in the patootey. But now I don't where my post went! I will try again later when I get to my computer.
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Dec 14, 2013
I'm too tired and frustrated with this day to post here, but suffice to say I will be glad when it's over.
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Dec 14, 2013
Ayla wrote:I'm too tired and frustrated with this day to post here, but suffice to say I will be glad when it's over.

Well, if it is not one thing, it is another!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Dec 14, 2013
1grandma wrote:
Ayla wrote:I'm too tired and frustrated with this day to post here, but suffice to say I will be glad when it's over.

Well, if it is not one thing, it is another!
And THAT's the truth, pppfffttthhhhh! (remember Emily Ann, the girl in the huge rocking chair on Laugh In? - I'm channeling her lol)
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Good Morning Dec 14, 2013
Had a long day at work and glad I drive a truck with 4 wheel drive because they didn't plow the roads at all - not even the highways. Guess they are waiting because the snow is changing over to rain even though it snowed all day.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning Dec 14, 2013
Whew...just arrived home about an hour ago. The washing machine is on the second load the dishwasher is going. Handwashed a few things and put groceries away. Left the house at 7:30AM. Worked til 10:30, flew back home and DD get dressed for dance and we flew back to town and picked up my mom. Then we ran to the "big" town and ate at Godfather's, then to DD's Winter Recital, then a movie and a bit of shopping and lastly grocery shopping. I am not even pooped yet. Which is good since I am having a house full tomorrow to make cookies all afternoon. Well, did ya get all that or did ya give up before the end?

Hope you all had a blessed day!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Good Morning Dec 14, 2013
Grandkids are the best :inlove: I haven't seen mine in a few weeks but will this next weekend :)

We're in a deep freeze here - it's been so stinking cold, like below zero for the past several days. We had the Santa's breakfast at my DD's school and she got to sing during that. They also have a big craft fair. Then she had a basketball game a couple towns over and then we ended the day with the annual showing of Polar Express at her school. All the kids/families that want to go (K-8) are welcome and they have food, prizes, and even someone who dresses up like Tom Hanks and gives out hot cocoa :)
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Dec 14, 2013
emjay704 wrote:Grandkids are the best :inlove: I haven't seen mine in a few weeks but will this next weekend :)

We're in a deep freeze here - it's been so stinking cold, like below zero for the past several days. We had the Santa's breakfast at my DD's school and she got to sing during that. They also have a big craft fair. Then she had a basketball game a couple towns over and then we ended the day with the annual showing of Polar Express at her school. All the kids/families that want to go (K-8) are welcome and they have food, prizes, and even someone who dresses up like Tom Hanks and gives out hot cocoa :)
That sounds like fun! Wish my kids' school would do that.
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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