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Cherry Blossom

New Swaps?
Do they still happen? I see the last post was months ago..
*Danielle - Married since 6/2/01 & Mom of 2 Boys - 9 & 11
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Cherry Crush

Re: New Swaps?
Welcome back! Actually nobody has been swapping. Maybe we are swapped out. ;) Between the high cost of postage and then people flaking, I think most of us gave it up. :(
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Cherry Blossom

Re: New Swaps?
Aww how sad :( I love swapping other places! Thanks for letting me know
*Danielle - Married since 6/2/01 & Mom of 2 Boys - 9 & 11
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Cherry Tart

Re: New Swaps?
I will gladly help kick off some new swaps. I really enjoy them! I just posted one I would like to do in the Swap Talk section.

Let me know if you want to get one going!
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Cherry Picker

Re: New Swaps?
Funny you posted this question! I've just returned after a 3 yr. hiatus and was wondering if swaps even happened anymore. I'd be interested!
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Cherry Tart

Re: New Swaps?
I am game also!

Now we just need some more to join in!
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Chatty Cherry

Re: New Swaps?
nice to see some new blood. I used to run alot of swaps on here. mostly basic grey but definately other brands as well. There was alot of talent on this board, not sure if anyone comes back to check out or not. I would be interested in dabbling in a new one if anyone is hosting one. I havn't swapped or pretty much scrapped in 3 or 4 years. just dusting off the rust and working on organizing my craft room to start up again. i need to feel creative again. I am not sure where anything is in my room and will have to start over from the beginning. but i do know where my fibers are if that is included in any swap :-) i've got some really cool new ones as well anywho i miss our talks and chats and swapping, we had alot of fun for quite a few years.

Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: New Swaps?
I would definitely be interested in swapping. I love to participate in them. Who wants to do the first one? lol
No matter how dark the moment,
Love and hope are always possible.
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Cherry Cola

Re: New Swaps?
I would love to do new swaps but would have to be things I can use. We use to do this page kits and as fun as they were I never used half of what was sent to me. I did it mostly to get some new creative items for my pages. There was sometimes so junky pieces in the lot. (No offense)

But I am not to sure you are going to get many swaps going around here. Several years ago we had a couple of girls run off with a bunch of supplies and money people had sent in. And these were girls that a lot of us had been swapping with for awhile. So to get ripped off by someone you trusted was a big eye opener for lots of swappers. Swaps ended around here then. I guess all trust was lost.

Any way if any do get started I may join just depends. Still afraid myself of getting ripped off again. But swaps always got my inspiration flowing.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: New Swaps?
What about an ATC or Inchie or Twinchie swap? Those don't involve so much of a monetary investment and can be done even with a very small group. Is this something others might want to do? Is there a protocol here for who can host a swap and how?

P.S. I haven't seen anything about an envie swap this month. Is that happening? :) Or perhaps a secret santa type one still using the same system (wishlists on ACOT) but maybe with a slightly higher $ amt and including a homemade card? :)
P.P.S. Someone mentioned secret sisters in January? Where do we sign up for this? :)
P.P.P.S. Thanks!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: New Swaps?
I just posted a Valentine ATC swap if anyone might be interested. I thought it might be fun, anyway. :)
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